01191(f) Alteration of the direction or rate of
flow of ground waters?
(g) Change in the quantity of ground waters,
either through direct additions or withdrawals,
or through interception of an aquifer by cuts
or excavations?
(h) Deterioration in ground water quality,
either through direct injection, or through
the seepage of leachate, phosphates, detergents,
waterborne virus or bacteria, or other sub-
stances into the ground waters?
(,i) Reduction in the amount of water other-
wise•available for public water supplies?
Explanation: The rAisflg drainage channel on the south
portion of the pro-
per y will be relocated to allow for home construction.
change because of the nature of the development. If
Absorption rates _
flooding were to
occur a floodwaters wouldfollow a new propose rea
drainage channel. It is anticipated that all storm water
gnmen of the
will be diverted toj:
a pon ng system propose to a locatedn Yost ar
water frorq this site would cause a change in the surface
e addition of.this
water pondingx
(4) Flora. Will the proposal result in:
(a) Change in the diversity of species, or
numbers of any species of flora (including
trees, shrubs, grass, crops, microflora and
aquatic plants)? X
(b) Reduction of the numbers of any unique,
rare or endangered species of flora?
(c) Introduction of new species of flora
into an area, or in a barrier to.t.he normal
replenishment of existing species? X
(d) Reduction in acreage of any agricultural
crop2 X
Explanation: There will be a change in the diversity of species and the
number of spec es assoc ata With t s eve opment. Kemoval or much of the
vegetation will occur due to the nature of the development. New species will
e ntro uce tot s s to suc as t ose common to urban residential
(y) Fauna. Will the proposal result in: k
(a) Changes in the diversity of species, or i