01194Yes Maybe No
(13) Transportation/Circulation. Will the proposal
result in:
(a) Generation of additional vehicular
movement? X
(b) Effects on existing parking facilities,
or demand for new parking? X
(c) Impact upon existing transportation
systems? X
(d) Alterations to present patterns of
circulation or movement of -people and/or goods? X
(e) •Alterations to waterborne, rai 1 or air -
traffic? X
(f) Inerease in traffic hazards to motor
vehicles, bicyclists or pedestrians? X
Expl-anation: Because of the nature of the development additional
traffic will occur. The impact on the existing transportation system
will be minimal. The proposed road will be built to City standards
and dedicated to the City.
(14) •Public Services. Will the proposal have an
effect upon, or result in a need for new or
altered governmental services in any of the
following areas:
(a) Fire protection?
(b) Police protection? X
(c) Schools?
(d) .Parks or other recreational facilities? X
(e) Maintenance of public facilities,
including roads? X
(f) Other governmental services? X
Explanation: The above -mentioned services should all be adequate to handle
the proposed development. Fire and police protection should be minimally
impacted. Existing schools are expected to adequately handle anv increase
in school -aged children. Maintenance of public facilities should also be
slightly affected because of_the _nature of the proposed development.
Additional demands will be made on the City library, health services and
miscellaneous services by the new residents.