The Soil Conservation Service Soil Survey designates the sites' soil as
"Everett Gravelly Sandy Loam, Hilly Phase." This soil exhibits limitations
to shallow excavations due to its gravelly nature. The soil texture permits
ready sloughing of sidewalls, allowing potential for erosion of unstable.soil
created by development.
Short-term unstable soil conditions will exist during the initial development
period'which may require rockeries in some areas.
Through development of surface soils for foundation excavations, building
constructionsurface drainage channels and road construction, it is expected
that soils will be moved as necessary for approved site design. Compaction
of soils is expected from ground surface clearance and by.on-site machLnery.
Before 'final landscaping is established there will be an increase in erosion
of disturbed areas, but this will be minimal,.as we hope to accomplish this
phase during our "dry" season and to use rockeries and hay berms if needed.
2. AIR
Diminished.air,quality due to initial construction equipment and resultant
resident traffic, will have a minimal- effect on area.air quality. Existing
air quality is quite high, as there is little heavy traffic or industry in
the area.
Water runoff (due to*surface clearance and road installation) is expected to
increase approximately 30/. An internal drainage system will help to
dissipate the runoff and,mitigate the effects; while providing retention/
detention and release offsite at a rate determined equal to the peak volume
released prior to development.
Clearing for road installation and building areas will reduce present flora.
New species will be introduced which are not native to this site but which
will thrive and coexist under natural: -,conditions.
The introduction of domestic pets and human population into the Shell Valley
area has already displaced animals and birds in the area. By leaving the
North third of our tract native and untouched as well as the 25 permiter
(and. with the introduction of plantings selected. for ground cover or to
supply food for bixds) we encourage native species to relocate in the area
of the site.
After construction residential activity and traffic noise created by the
daily activitiesj