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All araons interested are hereby notified that Monday the 18th day
of Aprils 19609 has been met ae the date for the hearing Of the
following desscribod propertyo situated in Snohomish Cotsntyo state
of Washington s
That portion of the N&% 800tion 249T.27N.s
Re 3E• a '+LM. Described an follows$
Beginning at a point 254 fecot North Of
the B.E. Darner N6 MW% Section 249T.27N. s
R„ ,s W.M.i Thence NORTH 262 feet; ThOU00
WEST 655 Poet more or lose to the cast line j
of 8th Ave. f Thence along said line South
270 feet more or lesas Thence East 655 teat
More or les& to than P*O.B. Less Roads.
That said Louring will be at 8100 Foyle at the Edmonds city Hall�
Edmonds Washington and allintereatted persons are hereby invited to
appear and voice their approval or disapproval of the proposed
plat. t
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QC a(
City Cleric \
Publi ached ;
1 Affidavit
April 70 1960