14. Public Services. Will the proposal have
an effect upon, or result in a need for
new or altered governmental services in
any of the following areas:
a. Fire protection? x
b police rotection? x
c. Schools? x
d. Parks or other recreational
facilities? x
e. Maintenance of public facilities, 1
including roads? x
governmental services? x
f . Other g
Explanation: Scope of -project is'too small to require broadening of existing }:
15. Energy. Will the proposal -result in:
a. Use of substantial amounts of fuel
or energy? x
b. Demand upon existing sources of
energy, or require the development
of new sources of energy?. x
Explanation: Artificial illumination and heating .will consume electrical energy.
provided via existing distribution systems.
Utilities. Will the proposal result in
a need for new systems or alterations to
the following utilities:
a. Power or natural gas? x
b. Communications systems? x
c. Water? x I
d. Sewer or septic tanks? x
e. Storm water drainage? x
f. Solid waste and disposal? x
Explanation: Existing necessary utilities are available and adequate to serve
completed project. E