01388ALTERNATIVES VI. RECOMMENDED ALTERNATIVE 3) Develop as proposed with turn -around condition STRENGTH WEAKNESS Will minimize adverse environmental Multiple -type dwelling units impacts and allow for easier may seem objectionable to vehicular ingress and egress some adjacent property owners. Units will be well screened from adjacent single-family residences. ENVIRONMENTAL FINDING: There will be certain environmental impacts but they do -not constitute' a significant adverse impact and no Environmental Impact Statement 5 will be required A declaration of non -significance has been issued. _ x RECOMMENDED MOTION Therefore, I recommend thatPRD-2-79 be approved as submitted with the condition that the end of the access driveway be widened so as to allow for vehicular turn -around for the following reasons: 1) It is consistent with all City zoning regulations; 2) It is consistent with the Policy Plan in that "flexible subdivision procedures, such as PRD's, should be used in (steep slope) areas to preserve the site and reduce impervious surfaces, cuts and fills." 3) There has been a finding of no significant adverse environmental impacts. r r+ 4) The design is well suited to the site. 7/78 -3- FILE #