01389Audi.tor4 s file No. 885328
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No structure or area for the housing or - keeping of birds or
ani mis shall be built or maintained closer than seventy-five (75)
feet from the font or baok lot lines or twenty (20) feet from the
side limes of any tract.
No excavation for stone, sand, gravel or earth iday be made on
any lot unless ouch excavation is neceesary in connection with the
erection of an approved structure thereon, or for landscaping purposes,,:
All plumbing and sanitary conveniences shall be inside a
house or building; and until public sewers are availabloo all sewage
disposal shall be by means of Septic Tama: and Tile Disposal Fields g in
acoordance with the regulations of the State of Washingtono Department
of Publio Health and the Local Authority.
The work of oonstr atibn of all buildings and structures
shall be prosseuted diligent and oontin�aously from commencement of
construction; until the exter or of such buildings and stru®tures s.r.6
completed and painted.
Notwithstanding any restrictions, limitations, conditions or
provisions set: forth in this declarationp Pope & Taatlbot, Inc. _may main=
tain a Sales Office on any unsold tract in Talbot Park so long an it
shall desire.
No noxious, illegal or offensive use of land shall . be carried
cm upon any lot, nor shall aanything be done thereon which may -beg or
bleao , mi annoyance or nuisance to the ;neighborhood.
No fence or hedge shall be erected or ert�itted to remain or
allowed. to grow to a height exceeding six (J feet.
No gooda, equipment, trucks, vehicles or paraphernalia used
or d6signed for use in connection with any business, service or trade
shall be kept or stored in the open on any lot in Talbot Park.in
quantities or in a manner which is. unsightly or objectionable: to other
owners of property in the vicinity.
No signs or billboards of any kind whatsoever, except 1public
notices required by law, shall be erected, posited or displayed upon
any lot or tract or road in Talbot Park. It is provided, however,
that Pope & Talbot* Inc. may erect and display signs in this addition
during the period of sales.
(4) MMS
The care and maintenance of trees and li&Ulity fair damage
or injury therefrom, on tracts or lots in Talbot Parks shall be the
responsibility of the respective owners of each such tract or lot,
provided, however, that in determining responsibility for such care
and maintenance or liability for any damage or injury from trees (or
other vegetation), the term "Owners' herein shall for the purposes of
this paragraph and as to tracts or lots which are the subject of con-
tracts of purchase and sale, refer to the contract vendee only, to the
exclusion of the contract vendor thereof.