01390n EDMONDS_PLANNING COMMISSION . August 22, 1979 The regular meeting of the Edmonds Planning Commission was called to order by Chairman John McGibbon at 7:35 p.m, in the Council Chambers of the Edmonds Civic Center.. Chairman McGibbon welcomed those present, introduced the Staff, and explained the procedure of the meeting. PRESENT ABSENT STAFF PRESENT John McGibbon Laura Hall Mary Lou Block, Asst. City Planner Fred Ross John Hodgin Richard Pearson, Asst. City Planner Floyd E. Smith Jim Adams, City Engineer Keith LaBelle Jim Murphy, City Attorney Valina-Walker Jackie Parrett, Deputy City Clerk Bill Kasper, Ex officio APPROVAL OF MINUTES MiVED, SECONDEDmBYtCOMMISSIONERtROSS19TO APPROVEnTHESMINUTESdOF AUGUSTS8,N1979MITH MOVED, MOTION CARRIED. CONTINUED AGENDA Ms. Block reported that she had received a note this date from Leroy Middleton, requesting the with of ST-9-79 (Han Park). He stated it would be resubmitted at a future time. SM-5-79 CITY OF EDMONDS - Shoreline Management Substantial Development Permit app 1cation or the development of a permanent off-street parking lot at the northwest corner of the intersection of Railroad Ave. and Dayton St. (CW). This item had been heard on July 25, 1979 but it was denied with the recommendation that alternatives be submitted. City Engineer Jim Adams said a study was made to determine whether Railroad Ave. should be one-way. His staff had met with some of the area residents and the developers of commercial properties and a design concept was developed which he displayed for the Commission, noting that there is ingress and egress on Dayton and on Beach P1. from Railroad Ave. The public portion of the hearing was opened. Dick Slye of 260 Beach P1. said it was the consensus of the affected property owners that this would be an acceptable plan, and he recommended it be adopted. The public portion of the hearing was then closed. Commissioner Smith noted that the new plan lost only one parking space and provided the two locations for ingress/egress which the Commission had specified. COMMISSIONER SMITH MOVED, SECONED BY COMMISSIONER WALKER, TO APPROVE SM-5-79 BECAUSE IT MET ALL THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE PARKING PLAN AND WATERFRONT ZONING AND BECAUSE HE FELT IT WOULD BE A VERY ACCEPTABLE PLAN. MOTION CARRIED. AGENDA PRD-2-79 H.H.M.. JOINT VENTURE "PINE RIDGE VILLA° - Review of 7-unit Planned Residential Development at 20826 83rdAve. W. (RS-8) Ms. Block showed slides of the site, noting that the topography is sloping 5%-25% to the northwest and there is a substantial amount of vegetation. There is a drainage swale which will be culverted under the structures and the pavement. Surrounding zoning is generally RS-8, with Pine Ridge Park to the north. The project will consist of two duplexes and one triplex on 1 1/2 acres. Ms. Block said the Staff had worked with the applicants to minimize the amount of cutting and grading, saving most of the trees and providing satisfactory drainage and parking facilities. The applicants proposed graveling instead of paving several parking bays in order to