01427To be filled in by Planr,'31 r CITT OF E(!IOUOS FCL'f d� �dU _DR T , .. 5l_111211IStWpPLICA?Illfl' APO S___,,,G•TITLE REPORT„_ , 'I•IfRE AOIIUS'li l SID : LECALS: 1 ,,s,• xis ng roposecr SUBDfVISIiI1f ..'. lots or loss; $10 per lot. 'fAP � IIAQI14G PLAN__,___„ �{ ,•',.�`,k $?r,� ,' ,. yv;char";l. II�DiY•15dOM 5 �tlh or mnrel �'es is 18 per tot, or E11V. ASSESS. �i CK'LIST✓ .00Os per square foot of lot area in �1 r the;rlst, whicheveum r. is greater. Ili E/A FEF?S.da RF.C'T 1?�3 fee.11s $50. This fee is applicable to (De erm ned by___,__,,,_T+ both preliminary and final plat' submissions. lIEXgii-i OATt SET: 'Ka= � '6; 1 '' •i�' ,� �� Jerome.R JqJ#mer 18213 - 80th Ave. W.778-8306 APPLICANT; Han Z. Park= ' ADDRESS: 1831,,._,rr. Olympic VView Dr. PHONE: 774.6g89 indicate type or degree,of.interest in the property: Owners 4 MEN ADDRESS: PHONE: }Jif otrer t an epp cant I 1, REQUEST TIIAT 714E FOLLOW111G DESCRIBED PROPERTY DE DIVIDED INTO 8. LOTS. AOCATION OF PROPENl`Vj.st, side of Beverly Park -Edmonds Road northwest of 76th Ave. W. i LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF ENTIP,E PROPERTY -See attachedan and title report wI .br coop letot ,planning Departn+ent: I1..f0n! lEC,11t..DESCRIP110P1 CHECKED 6 APPROVED •� s kre11. Map Noi r�;r , ` 8V : OATE St.,,i9rlrltICATION,OIkF-1N�ItlAfltE OF REQUIREMENTS . • R IfCa�,ni:„redutli y it• the Planning Commissioli consider the following modifications: O=foot access' (p,rivote•) right-of-way to Lots 2, 3, 4 t 5. j + Modification' 'O a,cial Street Map _ ftp Veen! reLruesIts ,,that the. Guard of Adjustment hear a variance for the following: i CERTIFICATION: I do hereby cer•tifv that I. own the ahove lenally described proDr?rty, and further, that all contiguous property which 1 min, which has not received a previous subdivision approval, is included herein. - I furthiiP certify that the attached list•comtains main,%, addresses and x1p I . codes of all uroh,rty owners within 80 feet of the %uhdivision a% rnctsrded with the County Assessor. I understand that street dedicatinns may he requirod in cnnformancd with the Ufficial Strut i'lan of the City of Edmoilds. flan �a✓k- ! F'r I)rrr,y Own / 1/76��/ J I i