01435Yes Maybe No
r (f )• Chancles in depos it ion or ero-, ion of beach
sands , car ch;uiges in siltation, deposition or
erosion which may modify the channel of a river
or stream or the bed or the ocean or any bay,
inlet or lake? X
Explanation: Potential unstable earth conditions may exist along
the easterly boundary adjacent to Beverly Park -Edmonds Road. Safeguards
ada_inst aotent_ial unstable earth conditions will be minimized by imple-
meeting setbacks from the bank to protect the residences. Normal dis-
ruption and displacement of soils due to road and home construction.
will occur.
(2) Air. Wi11 the proposal result
�• (a) Air emissions or deterioration of ambient
air quality:
(b) The creation of objectionable odors:
(c) AIIorat ion of a r mo vemenl , 1110i5tiire or
lemperalure, or any change in climate, either
locally or regionally? X
Explanation: 'An estimated 40 vehicular trips per day may be associated
with this development and will contribute to CO, NO, SO4 emissions
found in the ambient air. It is anticipated that fireplaces will be
constructed in all new residences and will contribute smoke and other
particulate, matter tg the ambient aim. During construrt ion,, obiectionab.le
odors may be encountered with street paving and/or roof surfacing'.
Water. Will the proposal result in:
(a) Changes in currents, or the course or
direction of water movements, in either marine
or fresh waters?
(b) Changes in absorption rates, drainage
patterns, or the rate and amount of surface
water runoff?
(c) Alterations to the course of flow of
flood waters?
(d) Change in the amount of surface water
in any water body?
(e) Discharge into surface waters, or in
any alteration of surface water quality,
including but not limited to temperature,
dissolved oxygen or turbidity?