01463N 1�E�E/V�0 EDMONDS PLANNING COMMISSION JUN 2 ~ 1979City of Ect June 13, 1979 mn'u";�' Qev0nd� The regular meeting of the Edmonds Planning Commission was called to order by Chairman John McGibbon at 7:40 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Edmonds Civic Center. Chairman McGibbon welcomed those present, introduced the Staff, and explained the procedure of the meeting. PRESENT STAFF PRESENT John McGibbon Mary Lou Block, Assistant City Planner Fred Ross Jim Adams, Assistant City Engineer Floyd E. Smith Jim Murphy, City Attorney Laura Hall Jackie Parrett, Deputy City Clerk Valina Walker Keith LaBelle Bill Kasper, Ex officio APPROVAL OF MINUTES Minutes of the meeting of May 23, 1979 had been distributed. COMMISSIONER ROSS MOVED, SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER SMITH, TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF MAY 23, 1979. MOTION CARRIED. STAFF REPORT Ms. Block called attention to several items on the agenda which would have to be continued for various reasons, and she asked for motions to do so. COMMISSIONER LaBELLE MOVED, SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER SMITH, TO CONTINUE P-3-79 INDEFINITELY. MOTION CARRIED.. COMMISSIONER SMITH MOVED, SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER HALL, TO CONTINUE. ST-9-79 TO JULY 11, 1979. MOTION CARRIED. COMMISSIONER'WALKER MOVED, SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER HALL, TO CONTINUE R-3-79 TO JUNE 27, 1979. MOTION CARRIED. COMMISSIONER HALL MOVED, SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER LaBELLE, TO CONTINUE ST-11-79 TO JULY 25, 1979. MOTION CARRIED. For each of the above items the audience -was asked whether anyone wished to give testimony this evening or could not be present on the continuation date. Several questions were asked but no testimony was taken. AGENDA SM-2-79 JOHN JONES Application for Shoreline Management Substantial'Develo nt Permit or the property located at 7511 Lake Ballinger Way (RSW-12). Commissioner Walker asked the City Attorney whether she should be excused from this hearing as she lives at 23102 75th W. in the Lake Ballinger area. He advised her that would not be necessary. Ms. Block advised that any action within 200' of the shoreline other than construction of a single family dwelling and certain limited maintenance or construction projects requires a Shoreline Management Substantial Development Permit. Because the applicant is subdividing this property and one of the lines between two lots is within 200' of the shoreline, the permit is required. This is a 4- lot subdivision but only two of the lots are affected by being within 200, of Lake Ballinger. There is adequate area for the lots and this development is consistent.with surrounding development in the area. The surrounding zoning is RSW-12 to the north and south and RS-8 to the west, with Lake Ballinger being to the east. The -Shoreline Master Program Designation is urban. An environmental checklist was submitted by the applicant which was reviewed by the Staff, and a negative declaration was issued. SEPA require- ments had been met. Slides of the site and a plot plan were 'shown. Ms. Block recommended approval because it was in conformance with the requirements and designations of the Edmonds Comprehensive Plan, the Edmonds Shorelines Master Program, and the local subdivision regulations, and because it was consistent with surrounding uses in the area. The public portion of the hearing was opened. Robert Boye of 24325 76th Ave. W., owner of the lot directly to the north of this, said he had reviewed the subdivision plan and found it very favorable. The public portion of the hearing was then closed. Commissioner LaBelle said he saw no particular problem with this