01480I� In response to your letter of July 22, 1980, We have carefully examined 1 our record of last conferences on this subject. The meeting involved City Engineering Staffs, City planning staffs, my Engineer, my legal representative and my -self. As you may recalll from your notes, the change in the development plan was suggested and agreed by the City planner, City Engineer, and my legal representative, Mr. G. Riach. The plan submitted on July 16, 1980 have carefully followed the instruction and the agreement. It involved t two architechtural firms and my representatives. Your comments on the letter of July 22, 1980 is clearly regressive and inadequate considering the previous agreement and the expenses j and also the work involved. `heref ore , Irequest the reexamination of your comments stated in your letter and ' e p o i e mments regarding the architechtural ilr�d��. . or other matters you were a ar , the current zoning(4/r the lot j involved has been discussed, and we were fully aware of new plan which E require the change in zoning. 1 Thank you for your time and cooperation, 01 I 18314 Olympic View Drive ! Edmonds, Wa. 98020 Eopyi to whom it may concern fD r ,