01596EDMONDS PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING February 15, 1967 Council Chambers Civic Center Edmonds, Washington The regular meeting of the Edmonds Planning Commission was called to order raat 8:00 p.m. by Chairman Payne. All members were present except Propst, Hubbardarsont nd City on. Staff members present were John Wallace, Asst. to City Atty, Leif Ron Whaley, Asst. City Engineer, Merlin Logan, City Planner, and W. J. Slabaugh, Building Official. The minutes of the previous meetings of January 18 and 19, 1967 were approved as posted and submitted. NEW BUSINESS Hearings to be Set R-1-67, Olympic View Realty E R. Irwin Baker - Rezone from RS-8 to RML on SOth W. and 194th P1. S. W. CP-1-67, Haines Fishing Wharf, Inc. - Amend Land Use Plan from Single Family Residential to Multi -Family Residential around Lynnwood Sewereatment Plant at Meadowdale r T Beach Road and Bertola Road. R-2-67, Haines Fishing Wharf, Inc. - Rezone from RS-12 to RMH, portion of the Meadowdale Tide Lands and all that area north of the Lynnwood Sewer Treatment Plant between GNRR and vacated Meadowdale Beach Road. allow sional ZO 2=67, ff B. P. Deacon - Amend Zoning ionditionalee. Use,2.13.110 providingFtheooffice is insharmony offices in RM Districts. as a Con with the adjoining residential buildings. seconded by Mr. Nordquist, that public hearings be set It was moved by Mr. Stallbaum, the meeting of March 15, 1967. Motion carried. Mr'. for these four applications for fleet that he abstained from action on the motion. Haines asked that the minutes re OLD BUSINESS PUBLIC HEARINGS Ordinance Amendments ZO-1-670 Proposed Ordinance establishing the meeting dates of the Planning Commission. Affidavits of publication and poster were presented. The proposed ordinance, repealing the code requirement for an annual report by the Planning Commission to the City Council, and establishing meeting dates for the third Wednesday of each month, with the fourth Wednesday for uncompleted agendas, was read by Mr. Payne. and it was moved no discussion on the matter by the audience or the Planning ty Council that the by Mr. Thompson that recommendation be made by resolution totheCif second by at at proposed ordinance as set forth in File No. ZO-1-67, be approved. Stallbaum, the motion carried. Plats INDELL'S ADDITION", located on Hindley Lane r/w on the P-2-67, Preliminary Plat of "L west side of Olympic Ave. A letter from the property owners was read, requestinhe withdraeon wal of the plat. At that recommendation of Mr. Logan, it was moved by Mr. Hainegeespaid by the appled by Mr. icantbe except for $10.00 administrative fee, the preliminary refunded. Motion carried. P-3-67, Preliminary Plat of "JENSEN'S ADDITION", located on the east side of 88th Ave. W., westerly of 186th St. S. W. as well s note of notice Affidavits of publication s. Md poster war present.d�Mr. Logan stated t stated that there had not adjacent property