01632s It. p Engineering Requirements for Subdivisions Page 22 S. Utility Easements: 'dedication of 51 required ou west side of 69th Place Wog and along Lots Nose i and 8e TOPOGRAPHY PUBLIC IMPROVEMEPTS -- FIVE LOTS OR MORE In accordance with the platting rules and regulations of the Edmonds City Code, the sponsor of the application shall advise the City Engineer, in writing within five (5) days of the above date, the method of assuring performance for the installation of public improvements. Public improvements to be provided by the subdivider shall conform to Section 12.08.350 of the Edmonds City Code and to the foregoing list of engineering requirements. i Alternate methods of providing public improvements are as follows: 1. By furnishing the City of Edmonds with a performance bond satisfactory to the City Engineer, in which assurance is given the City that the installation { of the minimum improvements will be carried out as provided in Section 12.08.350 of the Edmonds City Code. The amount of bond shall cover the subdivider's estimate of public improvements. 1 2. By actual installation of improvements in accordance with the provisions of Section 12.08.350 and in accordance with the installation requirements and under the supervision of the City Engineer. 3. By a combination of these methods: Provided that regardless of the method vements "No improvements employed by the subdivider for the installation of impro , P shall be finally accepted by the City of Edmonds until the subdivider furnishes the City with a bond in the amount of ten per cent of the cost of said improve- ments to guarantee said improvements against defects in workmanship and/or materials for a period of one year from the date of such final acceptance." f i If you have any questions concerning the above, please contact the City Engineer's office. LIEI'. • , r EDMONDS CITY ENGINEER