01636FHA FORA DE)'A1',1.­4,T,'OF 110U Sli7G AL) UR T' Frl)F,'[,,'AL 110USINO I INS N(1 OrFIC11'. S p on so r Is Na I iio I t�),, C n :L F11A File 337 Street Address: P Subdivision Name: Cherry 1H.11 14anor TracL Number: City or County State Zip Code Location: nhQmish Co.. WashJ.ngton _In_ Phone:. Area Code exhl 1 ocz lit 0 E7 X7 L-7 Ej J EXHIBITS REQUIRED FOR PRL-CONSTRUCTION ANALYSIS bits must comply with FRA Minimum Property Standards, FHA Neighborhood Standards, I regulations, and must be submitted in one complete package. Final copies of all items checked. Acceptance NEIGHBORHOOD GRADING AND DRAINAGE PLAN PER ASP ILLUSTRATION "A". []Comply with Data Sheet 79G. Include grading specifications per soils report by and dated STREET IMPROVEMENT PLANS per FHA Standard and certified by engineer to be in final form. Include cross sections, profiles, details of pavement, curbs and gutters, drainage struc- tures, sidewalks, driveway aprons, planting strips and street signs. %&STREET$ AND DRAINAGE *PLANS NOT REQUIRED. Show details of drainagesystem, including outlet on neighborhood grading and drainage plan. OTHER NEIGHBORHOOD IMPROVEMENT PLANS. EyWall: high E7Fence: high E7Fence: high L71,andscape development Park improvem nts Other: .UTILITY PLANS. L:7Community Water System - per FHA G 4517.1 L:7community Sewerage System - per FHA G 4518.1 WOther: — SPECIAL PROPERTY IMPROVEMENTS. =Typical plot plans for interior and corner lots, showing L:7Lawns E7Pther planting L)'Location of well, service line and other features L:7Septic tank drainfield sq. ft. per bedroom Seepag pits per lot, x SLOPE CONTROL PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS-, STATEMENT PER D-6 and D-7, DATA SHEET 79G. SUBDIVISION PLAT ffr ret-e�zzlg-RK recorded plat with certifications. PROTECTIVE COVENANTS final draft ready for recording ox xa"-r4ed - c o v cr fi-. il i t- r - vr 1 --- -h - c L-r- t; - j - f4 c, 3 t i o ns­i-nc­1vd-hi-&—s i gnat urerz;-• any. mert-g-a-ge-o-v-3.4. en --hold e r. L:71nclude slope control plan and maintenance provisions per Data Sheet 79G. NFICR111!01100D Ac_','30CIATj".OP DOCUMENTS LEGALLY rSTABLISHFD PER FHA FO)ItM 1400, 1401, 1402, 1403 and DATA SHEET 40. MINEPAL RESERVATIONS - written evidence there are no mineral reservations of records or copy of complete mineral reseryation. A • & ; e'jlr� Yinal. Acceptance A1.1 Exhibits By I S.F,00d by P C.