c. Alterations to the course or flow
of flood waters?
d. Change in the amount of surface water
in any water body?
e. Discharge into surface waters, or in
any alteration of surface water quality,
including but not limited to temperature,
dissolved oxygen or turbidity?
f. Alteration of the direction or rate
of flow of ground waters?
g. Change in the quantity of ground
waters, either through direct additions
or withdrawals, or through interception
of an aquifer by cuts or excavations?
h. Deterioration in ground water quality,
either through direct injection, or through
the seepage of leachate, phosphates, deter-
gents, waterborne virus or bacteria, or
other substances into the ground waters?
i. Reduction in the amount of water
otherwise available for public water
Explanation: Minor long term impacts may occur as
a consequence of utility
trenching, foundation excavations and overcovering
of pervious soils with
buildings, drives street and walkways.
4. Flora. Will the proposal result in:
a. Change in the diversity of species,
or numbers of any species of flora (in-
cluding trees, shrubs, grass, crops,
microflora and aquatic plants)? X
b. Reduction of the numbers of any
unique, rare or endangered species X
of flora?
c. Introduction of new species of
.flora into an area, or in a barrier
to the normal replenishment of exist- X
ing species?
d. Recution in acreage of any agri-
cultural crop? Explanation: Fi,turp 1 nndSrapi ng may i ntrMilcP nPIT anprJ Aa ^f ^111 tilpe�
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