01775Two INEERING REQUIREMENTS FOR PLATS :�.:W SUBDIVISIONS 12. Excavation and Grading: Exca- 12. vation and Grading shall conform' to the requirements outlined in Chapter 70 of the Uniform Building Code. P Improvements Don e 13.� page thr quiredly ays afterle RE,0-1 L) REQ'D PRIOR TO W/BLDG. BOND RECORDING PERMIT POSTED COMPLE. X 14. Monuments (Per section 20.75.135 Provide tie dimension to.existing WSDOT mon.14. X in Edmonds Way & set mon, at center of cul-de-si c. ProvIUC i klLy w1recorded co 15. As-Builts. I .. . is. Required for all improvements.- X 16. 2.2% Inspection fee 16. Required based on cost of improvements. X ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS & COMMENTS: a Approved legais for each lot a. X required i. b. Approved Plat required showing b• lots, easements, section, town- ship & range, etc. X 1Traffic control/signage at intersection 0cf 4th St. S.W. and Edmonds Way, to be determined' in conjunction with WSDOT. Currently under review. x d. Traffic signage at expense of developer- d•X e. Approved development plan for all utility systems required. e. X G I R 'DMONDS PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT, E—fffK-ffK—jNG Dj—VjSjON-*---*--- The Engineering requirements have been c0ripleted and the subdivision can be recorded. Authroized for recording by: Date: