01857V-55-79 RAYMOND DUITSMAN - Variance from the required roof pitch to meet the 30'
jreg t requirement at 1015 "A" St. (RS-6)
Mr. Pearson explained that a roof may extend to 30' in height if it is more
than 4 in 12 pitch. The main roof of this house exceeds the required
pitch but there are dormers which change it. If the variance were not
granted the applicant would have to alter the roofline of one dormer and
raise the back of the.roof and move it over 8". The house was moved onto
this site and it could have been set at a lower height. It was set at the
maximum with the applicant's knowledge that it was the maximum. Mr. Pearson
said the ordinance provides that the roof may extend to 30' but the side
walls of the dormer and the side walls of the house also extend. He said
this proposal failed to meet all but one of the variance criteria, that of
not being detrimental to the nearby property owners. He said the applicant
was aware when he built the new foundation of the roof problem, but he
chose to set the house as high as possible. Further, that the applicant
could have applied for the variance before he built the foundation, rather
than after the fact. Mr. Pearson said that although there were no special
circumstances, and any difficulties had resulted from actions of the applicant,
the proposal could be approved on the basis that the requested variance was
a small one. He felt that denial would be detrimental to the neighbors
since it would result in an off -balance, changed roofline. The public
portion of the hearing was opened. Mr. Duitsman said he had a pre -move
inspection before the house was moved and also a building permit, and it
was after the footings were poured that a complaint was received, but Mr.
Whitcutt had told him he would not have noticed it if it had not been
brought to his attention. He said he was given a 30' height requirement
and he did not drop the house because he wanted a basement and because
there was a water problem in the area. He said he was 4' into the dirt and
-he did not want to go farther because of the spring, and if he corrected it
the ridge of the house would be 8" higher than it is now. No one else
wished to speak, and the public portion of the hearing was closed. MRS.
TOM BERRY - Variance from required pavement for 84th Ave. W. at 8432 Olympic
View Dr., (RS-12)
Mr. Pearson said this was an application for a public access road, the
standard width of which is 28', and the application was for a reduction to
18'. The road is rocked and gravelled to approximately 15' in width and
Mr. Pearson said it will be difficult to get even a 18' wide road in there.
The houses around there actually get their access from Olympic View Dr.
Mr. Pearson said the City would prefer to have this -developed as a quasi -
standard street. He said approval was recommended, the special circumstances
being the extremely difficult topography. The Engineering Division recom-
mended approval, saying 18' would be allowable, and they also recommended a
turnaround at the end of the road. City Attorney John Wallace said the
City Council in 1976 had approved this for 18', but that was not binding on
this body. In answer to a question, Mr. Pearson said the road would
.not necessary be centered in the right-of-way. The public portion of the
hearing was opened. Harold Huycke of 18223 84th P1. W. asked -for further
description of 84th Ave., because he lives on 84th Pl. Mr. Berry said they
were talking about paving 84th from 184th north and Mr. Huycke is two blocks
south of 184th. Mr. Pearson showed Mr. Huycke a map for clarification.
Mr. Berry said this had been "kicking around" the City for ten years --the
City saying they have to pave the road in order to have a subdivision but
nobody wanting the road. He said there is a small gravel road used by one
.house and the others will access from Olympic View Dr. even when the road
is put in. He felt a variance should be granted because otherwise they
would be taking most of the trees out of the gully and removing huge amounts
of material from the hillsides for a road they don't really want. He said
there was a maximum of seven lots that could use this road but actually
Page 3 - August 15, 1979