01971■i NOTE: APPLICANT OR REPRESENTATIVE MUST BE PRESENT AT HEARING AGENDA FOR EDMONDS BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT COUNCIL CHAMBERS - 7:30 P.M. AUGUST 16. 1978 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. ROLL CALL 3. WELCOME AND HEARING PROCEDURE TO APPLICANTS 4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 5. CORRESPONDENCE 6. CONTINUED AGENDA V-42-78 E.T. HINRICHS - Variance to establish egress and ingress on the northside of the garage (to allow applicant to Improve existing non -conforming structure by more than 25p of its assessed valuation) at 23319 75th Avenue West. (RS-8) V-51-78 HAROLD HATZENBUHLER - Variance from street standards for width of access easment at 24103 77th Place West. (RS-8). V-55-78 DAVE A. HERMANS - Variance to waive minimum lot width to length requirement and to allow fireplaces to invade s 9 setbacks approximatley two feet at 221. 3rd Avenue South. (RMH) 7. AGENDA CU-33-78 HARVE HARRISON - Conditional Use permit for hotel/motel use in a BC zone at 115 2nd Avenue South. (BC) CU-35-78 JAMES A. CRIM — Conditional Use permit for professional offices at 7905 212th Street S.W. (RML) V-57-78 METCO CONSTP.UCTION INC. —Variance .from minimum square footage requirement for 3 units at 528 Dayton St. (RMH) V-58-78 JAMES A. ANDERSON - Variance from required total number of parking spaces at 20822 76th Avenue West. (RML) V-59-78 WALTER C. SELLERS - Variance from required front yard setback at 19212 94th Place West. (RS-12) V-60-78 GARY CROSS - Variance from required front yard setback at 7910 240th Street S.W. (RS-8) V-6i-78 CREST CONSTRUCTION CO. - Variance from height in a BC zone for ornamentation at 424 5th Avenue South. (BC) V-62-78 I AN & CONNIA MILLER - Variance to use gravel in parts i ng area in lieu of blacktop at 653 Bell Street.' (RMH) cs, .,cti,c�,,,� �" .ti pw_ 7j