01985I V-61-78 CREST CONSTRUCTION eO. - Variance from height in a BC zone for ornamentation a— t 42th Avenue South. (BC) Mrs. Luster stated that this is a variance from the zoning code height requirement to allow an ornamentation on the roof line of the Shoreline Savings Bank. She stated that the construction of the bank is a very unique style and that the staff felt that the weather vane on the top of the building would make it appear to be a more finished structure. Mrs. Luster submitted a rough drawing of.the proposed weather vane and stated that the code does allow certain types of items to penetrate into the height restric- tions. She noted that the staff feels that this is an incidental, non-structural type of item which would not interfere with any site restrictions in the area and one which would not create a hazard or be detrimental to the community. This variance would require a 7" height variance. The public portion of the hearing was opened. Mr. Gary Bellinger represented Crest Construction Co. and stated that a lot of the details were left out in the original drawing and that this building had to be treated in much the same manner as you would a custom home. He further stated that the builders felt that the proposed weather vane would lend a very appropriate. finish to the design of the building. The public portion of the hearing was closed. Both Mr. Roy and Mr. Hovde expressed their opinions that this build- ing was excellently done and a fine addition to the City. MRS. DERLETH MOVED TO APPROVE V-61-78 BECAUSE IT IS A MINIMUM VARIANCE AND A REASON- ABLE REQUEST AND THAT IT WOULD ADD AN ATTRACTIVE CAP TO THE BUILDING. IN ADDITION IT IS NOT DETRIMENTAL TO THE HEALTH, SAFETY OR WELFARE OF OTHERS IN THE VICINITY. MR. LERRAS SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED. V 62-78 IAN ` &' DONNA MILLER = V,ari ance, to. use .gravel i n parking area i n ; 7 i eu, of ac top'at,:- 53 Bell Street'.'' (RMH) Mrs. Luster stated that this is a.variance requesting the use of gravel in the parking area in lieu of blacktop and that it would not amount to a rezone. She said that the applicant is requesting to be allowed to gravel the entire driveway and parking area and that a good portion of the gravel would be underneath the building in the parking area. Mrs. Luster referred to a memo from City Engineer Fred Herzberg wherein he pointed out the findings of a study which was made regarding the use of crushed limestone as surfacing for driveways and parking areas. She further stated that the reason for approving the idea of using crushed rock is that the Amenities Design Board felt it would be more appealing and that it would enhance the site. The public portion of the hearing was opened. Mr. Ian Miller, owner of the property, stated that there is 10' of blacktop towards the street and that there is a 7 degree slope from the street to the building. It was his opinion that covering the en- tire area with blacktop would present a visual hardship. He also felt that blacktop would create more of a drainage problem. Mr. Jeff Curtis of 657 Bell Street stated that he was a neighbor and objected to the use of gravel because of the dust factor as well as the noise factor. He commented that he was also concerned about the drainage situation. Mr. Lerras stated that crushed limestone does not present a dust pro- blem. Mr. Hatzenbuhler stated that there will be natural drainage in the area. Mrs. Luster stated that a large portion of the limestone will be located under the building, that only 40' of the property would be exposed and the remainder will be under the building. The public portion of the hearing was closed. Edmonds Board of Adjustment Page -3- September 20, 1978