019864 1 AGENDA V-63-78 Mr. Roy referred to the memo from Mr. Herzberg pointing out the features of using crushed limestone for the surfacing of drive- ways and parking areas. Mr. Hatzenbuhler stated that he viewed this as a person attempting to do something more appealing than putting in an asphalt jungle. A discussion of maintenance ensued. Mr. Hovde pointed out that asphalt also had to be maintained and that the City would definitely step in should there. be a main- tenance,situation that.arises. ;:MR. HATZENBUHLER MOVED:TO;APPROVE V-62-.7,8;BECAUSE IT WOUID,.1MPROVE; THFAREA AESTHETICALLY AND THAT;' .'IT',WOULDL NOT..BE.'. DETRIMENTAL TO. THE; HEALTH;' SAFETY ;OR WELFARE,,OF �THE ICARRIEDROUNDING:AREA.. MR. MENTAL, SECONDED THE MOTION: MOTION EARL F. KAISER - Variance from required side yard setback at 7616 234th Street S.W. (RS-8) Mrs. Luster stated that this is a variance from the side yard set- back and that the zoning code requires 7z' for side yard setbacks. She further stated that the applicant would like to extend the ex- isting side porch, which is 4,' from the lot line, back into a deck, keeping'it at the present 4z' setback. The neighbors to the west submitted a letter indicating that they had no objection to this proposed plan. Mrs. Luster stated that this construction would allow for the use of an existing exit/entrance from the house to the deck and it�would improve the home in the most reasonable manner. The staff feels that this is a minimum variance and one which would not be detrimental to the health, safety or welfare of the area. The public portion of the hearing was opened. Mrs. Dolores Kaiser of 505 Olympic Avenue stated that the home was very small and this would be the only way they could build a deck onto the home which would blend in with the surrounding homes in the area. The public portion of the hearing was closed. After discussing the possible alternate ways to add onto the house, the Board concluded that this was the most reasonable plan and one which would improve the appearance of the home. MR. ROY MOVED TO APPROVE V-63-78 AS HE FOUND NOTHING COULD BE GAINED BY DENYING THE VARIANCE REQUEST, THAT IT WAS A REASONABLE IMPROVEMENT OF THE HOME AND THAT IT WOULD NOT BE DETRIMENTAL TO THE HEALTH, SAFETY OR WEL- FAR OF OTHERS IN THE VICINITY. MR. LERRAS SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED. V-64-78 KEVIN T. DUNCAN - Variance from required side yard setback at 7019 Lake Ballinger Way. (RSW-12) Mrs. Luster stated that this is a variance request to change the east side yard setback from 10' to the minimum 8' on the north end of the lot and to allow a 617" setback on the south end of the lot. The property has a view of Lake Ballinger and the unusual pie shape of the lot makes this variance necessary. The applicant wishes to add a bedroom onto the house. This is a minimum variance because of the location of the existing house and because of the type of ad- dition the applicant wishes to create. The variance would not amount to a rezone and will not create a site obstruction. Mrs. Luster also stated that the proposed plan would allow maximum use of the property and allow the most reasonable layout of the home. The public portion of the hearing was opened. Mr. Kevin Duncan of 7019 Lk. Ballinger Way stated that this is a one - bedroom house and that he could not see any other feasible area Edmonds Board of Adjustment Page -4- September 20, 1978 Eh