02010PLANNER'S VARIANCE REVIEW FORi•1 APPLICANT: X.� l'S ADDRESS: VARIANCE REQUESTED:, ZONING CODE REQUIREMENT: FILE 1#y— 5 — "CONING:_:T"" } AF AdAAk AF OTHER PERTINENT FACTS: VARIANCE CRITERIA - Section 12.16.1 1. Does this amount to a rezone? TttA 2.(a) Are there conditions and/or circumstances not generally applicable to other lands in the same di s tr i ct? S r�!--r'�`�� - (b) Would strict enforcement f the zoning code drive the pr perty owner of rights commonly enjoyed by other properties in the same: district.? 3. Da the special conditions result from the actions of the applicant? _ 4. Are there unn essary hardsh7 �s and practical di "fi cul ties which render, it difficult to carry out the provisions of the zoning code?1 << . Wi 11 the gra iti ng ofS"t e %jal. i ance be c,e tr1 men al to t ie peal th , a e or oriel fare ; of property miners in the vi ci ni tw?A_O __-_ _- _-• - _—._ _-- c � G. Is this the lif i mLmi variance hat l,ri l l make possible the reasenab l us of land 7. Wi'lI the qra l,ng o-i" the variance generally be in h1armony,and comp t} e vitI ills zoning zoning cod ? Q _.._ �n -.JiC -S —.UA _. JA P 1 Bann �:�'s 1�ar l an�:e Review 11 /76