02012 (2)home. She explained the lot width/depth ratio, that the width divided by the depth is not to be less that .4. In this case it is .32. Both lots are well over 8,000 sq. ft., one being 10,041 sq. ft. and the other 11,751. Mrs. Block indicated the existing house had been there for many years, so the special conditions in this application were not due to actions of the applicant. She reviewed the criteria for a variance and found them to be met. She also noted that any house placed on the southerly lot would probably be placed at the rear because it is on a busy street. In this case the configuration of the lot is larger at the rear, so the house could be located there. Mrs. Block recommended approval of the application. The public hearing was then opened. Barry Trudeau, representing the applicant, had nothing to add. A'MOTION""' WAS MADE`BY'MR., ROY, SECONDED"BY MR. HOVDE, TO APPROVE V'847 BECAUSE IT­APPEARS'TO'MEET THE"REQUIRED SIZE FOR -THE NEIGHBORHOOD,'AND THE UNUSUAL'`SHAPE"`OF THE LOT ENHANCES THE NEIGHBORHOOD RATHER THAN DETRACTS': ��FROM' IT, AND' IT DOES NOT: APPEAR TO. BE DETRIMENTAL TO THE: PUBL,"IC''HEALTH, .MORALS`'AND'`GENERAL WELFARE —MOTION CARRIED." Mr. Leraas returned to the rostrum. CU-16-77 DELL R. LOWELL - Conditional Use Permit for temporary structure (trailer) .on job site during construction,at 15805 - 72nd Ave. W. (RS-20) Mrs. Block indicated this is a construction site in the north end of the. City at an isolated location. She said the request for the Conditional Use Permit was in order to keep a trailer at the site to store materials and for someone -to be there during the day to watch over the site. She showed slides of the site which indicated the site is isolated and wooded. She also displayed a drawing showing the location of the trailer on the site. She said the proposed use would not endanger the public health, morals or general welfare if used as conditioned. She reviewed the requirements for a Conditional Use Permit and recommended approval with the conditions that (1) the trailer not be lived in, (2) that it be connected to adequate sanitary facilities, and (3) that it be removed when the house is ready to be occupied. The public portion of the hearing was then opened. Dell R. Lowell, the applicant, said the trailer would be removed upon completion of the structure. He said it can be connected to the sanitary facilities that are there from a previous structure that burned. He said the main reason for it is the vandalism they have had on weekends. The public portion of the hearing was then closed. Mrs. Block indicated that the file contained an environmental assessment and a negative declaration of environmental impact. It was suggested that a time limit be established if this application were approved, and Mr. Lowell indicated the construction would be completed in approximately 120 days, depending upon weather. He said if they stayed in it on weekends it would be only sporadically. Mr. Roy and Mr. Hovde commented that.all construction sites have construction trailers and they saw no objection to this, affirming the high vandalism rates on construction sites. It was generally agreed that that this was a reasonable request, but it was pointed out that the Board must work within the constraints of the ordinance. It was suggested that the ordinance needed some work. Miss Charleson responded that the Planning Department is in the process of amending the ordinance because this problem -is coming up more and more. She said it will be heard at the Planning Commission March 23, but that it will take time to resolve. A MOTION WAS MADE BY MR. ROBINSON, SECONDED BY MRS. STOLE, TO APPROVE CU-16-77 AS IT APPEARS TO BE IN ORDER AND WILL NOT BE DETRIMENTAL TO THE NEIGHBORHOOD OR HARMFUL TO THE PUBLIC HEALTH, MORALS OR GENERAL WELFARE; ALSO, THAT THE PERMIT WILL_ BE VALID FOR A PERIOD NOT TO EXCEED SIX MONTHS AND THE APPLICANT IS TO CONNECT THE TRAILER TO PROPER SEWER FACILITIES DURING THAT PERIOD. MR. HOVDE ASKED TO AMEND THE MOTION TO SAY THE TRAILER WOULD BE CONNECTED TO THE EXISTING OLD SEPTIC TANK SYSTEM. THAT WAS ACCEPTABLE TO MR. ROBINSON. MOTION CARRIED, WITH EDMONDS BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT Page 2 - March 16, 1977