02378 (2)EM PLANNER' S VARIANCE REVIEW FOR I -Pr n ---\ e— • ^ 1, . APPLICANT: tA;l�wC ADDRESS: M�I1A_ Y VARIANCE REQUESTED: ZONING, FILE #_�- ( OTHER PERTINENT FACTS: �.4c.�•�oKea� er•,I�� VAIANCE CRIYERIA Section 12.16.100 a,Z 1. Does this amount to a rezone? jZj, 2.(a) Are there conditions and/or circumstances gene ally plicab to other lands in the same district? ems_ ) ► _ / /. D A i/� (b) Mould strict en.forcemEnt of the' zoning code deprive the pr ty, owner of rights. commonly enjoyed by other properties in the same district? 3. Do the special con tions result from the actions of e applicant? 4. Are t ere unnecessary hardships practical di-F 'culties which render it difficult to carry out the pro isions of the zoning code? 5. ►dill the granting of the variance be detrimental to al th, ety, or w are of property o,.rners in the vicinity - An ' - 6, this the minimum variance that will make possi le -t e roaso lblc use of lan? 7. Ili 11 the ran ri o� the variance generally be in har•►nny a d comp t i ble with this g g g Y zoning code? _ XK__ 3� A ft . Plannor's Variance Review 11/76