02412A I. IOTICE OFTIEARING PETITION FOR VARIANCE MDARKRIUMMAKXDQMR MAX BY EDMONDS BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT All interested persons ' are hereby notified that WEDNESDAY, the 21st .day of July 1.9 76T, has been .set as the., � date for heari ng petition filed by JURGEN SAUERLAND y ' for a variance aamXxA)d XX-VAXAXXZ4xPX*XVQ Variance of 5' from ` mini mum lot width fi at on 7th Avenue, North of Elm said property being. zoned RS-6 v. and legally described as follows: Lots. 3 and. 4 B1 k 8 Yos is First Addition to the City of Edmonds r, �r. as per plat recorded in Vol ume'8.of-Plats on page 61, records' .. frr of, Snohomish. County, -Washington ?A X : .'i Y Said hearing will be at 7:30 p. ri. in the Council Chambers of the Civic Center, Edmonds, Washington, before the Board of Adjustment u and all interested persons are invited to appe'ar.; I RENE VARNEY MORAN File No. V-19-76 City Clerk, City of Edmonds 'Publish: 7-7-76