QuestionsQUESTIONS 4/5-Unit Townhome Option: 1. Are there any red flags for parking and garage layout/widths, as drawn on the site plan? 2. If 4 or 5 town home units, can the garbage truck trash pickup be done curb side as shown on the sidewalk improvements? 3. If not and garbage truck turnaround is required on site, can we designate a garage driveway as the truck turn around, as long as we get enough depth? 4. If using a driveway does not work, we may be able to provide a turnaround at the south end of drive in the rear setback areas adjacent to drive, if that very large tree just off the site is removed? 5. Regarding height of buildings, at 25' average, can we step each town house unit up with grade? Since the drive goes up about 4 feet to the south, assuming the south town house can be a higher elevation than the north one, as shown? 6. Is there any minimum distance required from town home garage face, to the right of way sidewalk? 7. If individual town homes each with separate exterior entry, do we not need to provide an ADA accessible unit or parking? 8. At the south end units, we are showing the drive easement going down to 20 feet wide, versus 22 feet which we show from the entry through the first 2 units. Is this okay? 9. What size of water meter line is required? 10. What size sewer is required for the units? 11. Are there any possible structural issues with these designs? 12. Are there any possible transportation issues with these designs? 13. Will there be any reasons for appeal to our permit, which would delay construction start date? 14. What would be an estimate of permit review time? 15. What type of contractors are required to do fire hydrant install and sidewalk frontage improvements; if necessary? 16. What will be required for the storm drain connection (diameter of pipes)? 17. Olympic View Water and Sewer mentioned that there is no existing water meter near Edmonds Way. Does a water meter need to be re -located or installed? 18. What would be the minimum thickness of driveways? 19. Is it possible to increase the maximum building height to 30 feet? 20. Are there any general red flags for the site plan layouts?