04.17.2015-email_cost estimate-Henson Short Plat Eng Review PLN 20080014.pdfFrom:
McConnell, Jeanie
"Jesse Jarrell'
RE: Henson Short Plat Eng Review PLN 20080014
Monday, April 20, 2015 11:51:09 AM
Hi Jesse,
Nothing else is needed with comment 8 on sheet 1 of 3. 1 included it as you asked you for
I went through the cost estimate and request the following changes:
1. Include filter socks
2. Traffic control
3. Revise sidewalk from concrete to asphalt
4. Revise storm pipe lineal footage within the ROW
5. Revise storm pipe on private property. I'm not sure where 12" pipe is used and 8" pipe isn't
called out.
6. Add rip rap pad in the ROW
7. Add mailboxes.
From: Jesse Jarrell [mailto:jessej@wesi.co]
Sent: Friday, April 17, 2015 3:49 PM
To: McConnell, Jeanie
Subject: RE: Henson Short Plat Eng Review PLN 20080014
Thanks. Other than any final edits to the water/sewer plan or the cost estimate, looks like there's
only one more comment to address (#8 for sheet 1 of 3). Note that all the utilities adjacent to the
existing driveway entrance are existing. We don't have any proposed utilities shown next to the
existing driveway entrance other than maybe a new water meter about 8' north of the driveway
entrance (which may be moving further north). There's also the existing sewer stub to the site
about 9' north of the existing driveway entrance. As shown, there's an existing water meter,
electrical box, power pole and guy wire right along the north side of the driveway entrance. Other
than this, can you explain what you need for this? I'm still not sure what else to add to the drawings,
Jesse Jarrell, P.E.
9740 Evergreen Way ***NEW LOCATION***
Everett, WA 98204
425-356-2700 xt.106
From: McConnell, Jeanie[mailto:Jeanie.McConnell(c�edmondswa.gov]
Sent: Friday, April 17, 2015 3:38 PM
To: 'Jesse Jarrell'
Subject: RE: Henson Short Plat Eng Review PLN 20080014
Hi Jesse,
Please find comments attached. I still need to review the cost estimate.
Thank you,
From: Jesse Jarrell [mailto:iessei(awesi.co]
Sent: Friday, April 17, 2015 10:01 AM
To: McConnell, Jeanie
Subject: RE: Henson Short Plat Eng Review PLN 20080014
Just checking in on this. If you can let me know, I'd appreciate it, thanks.
PS — Should hopefully hear back from OVWD on the water/sewer approval.
Jesse Jarrell, P.E.
9740 Evergreen Way ***NEW LOCATION***
Everett, WA 98204
425-356-2700 xt.106
From: McConnell, Jeanie [ma iIto: Jeanie. McConnelICabedmondswa.gov]
Sent: Friday, April 03, 2015 3:08 PM
To: 'Jesse Jarrell'
Cc: Zulauf, JoAnne
Subject: RE: Henson Short Plat Eng Review PLN 20080014
Hi Jesse,
I tried to finish this one, but fell short. The Planning Division completed their review and does not
have any additional comments. From what I have reviewed so far, I do not have additional
comments. Hopefully anything else that may be needed could be redlined. I will finish this review
by April 17th. In the meantime, if you could get the Olympic View Water and Sewer District
approved sheets submitted to the City that would be helpful.
From: Jesse Jarrell [mailto:iessej(awesi.co]
Sent: Friday, April 03, 2015 10:19 AM
To: McConnell, Jeanie
Cc: market(a)drizzle.com
Subject: RE: Henson Short Plat Eng Review PLN 20080014
Hey Jeanie, just wanted to check to see if you think you are able to finish up the review on this
before you leave for vacation. If you can let me know, I'd appreciate it, thanks.
Jesse Jarrell, P.E.
9740 Evergreen Way ***NEW LOCATION***
Everett, WA 98204
425-356-2700 xt.106
From: McConnell, Jeanie[mailto:Jeanie.McConnell(a)edmondswa.gov]
Sent: Tuesday, March 31, 2015 1:06 PM
To: 'Jesse Jarrell'
Cc: market(c�drizzle.com
Subject: RE: Henson Short Plat Eng Review PLN 20080014
Hi Jesse,
It's on my list for this week. I was setback with some website updates and staffing issues at the
office, but we're back at it again. I have a short window as I'm out of the office April 6th_15th so you
should hear from me in the next couple of days!
From: Jesse Jarrell [mailto:jessej(awesi.co]
Sent: Tuesday, March 31, 2015 9:27 AM
To: McConnell, Jeanie
Cc: marketCa)drizzle.com
Subject: Henson Short Plat Eng Review PLN 20080014
Hey Jeanie, the client was wondering if you had a status or a date of review completion for the
Henson Short Plat. If you can let me know, I'd appreciate it, thanks.
Jesse Jarrell, P.E.
13000 Highway 99 S.
Everett, WA 98204
ph: 425-356-2700 x304
fax: 425-356-2708
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