05-564 (20060556) Bui-vault e-mail.htm
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From: McConnell, Jeanie
Tuesday, June 20, 2006 10:30 AM
'Weyesa, Nega'
Chrisman, Lyle
RE: Plan Check 05564 (20060556) Bui
Hi Nega,
Typically there are bedding requirements that must be followed to ensure the structure is not weakened upon install or
thereafter. Also, with a vault this size and being located in the Meadowdale area, I would expect to see some footing
drains around the vault. If the geotech states footing drains are not required, then it would be accepted without. Also,
the construction details should show how the vault lid is to be attached to the base.
I also need clarification on the rating of the vault lid. The plans have been redlined to required HS20 rating and the
vault lid is specified to be a 6070T. However, the specs submitted look like they are for the 6070 Trench (vault) and
not specifically the 6070T. I am looking for something in the specs that states the lid is rated for HS20 loads. Please
provide clarification to what was submitted or have a licensed engineer stamp the calcs approving for traffic loads. If
you do not have an engineer stamp and the specs for a 6070T does not clearly state the rating then I will have to
send the specs submitted out for structural peer review.
-----Original Message-----
From: Weyesa, Nega \[mailto:NegaWeyesa@4DArchitects.com\]
Sent: Tuesday, June 20, 2006 9:07 AM
To: McConnell, Jeanie
Subject: RE: Plan Check 05564 (20060556) Bui
Hi Jeanie,
I just want to clarify things with you about the detention vault. It's is a utility vault and precast in factor and
shipped to site and dropping it in hole. we are not pouring anything on site so I don't see any need of
construction details. Incase if you don't have the specification from the utility vault company I have attached it
with this email.
A prompt response of my request would be appreciated as client anxious to get start the construction.
From: McConnell, Jeanie \[mailto:Mcconnell@ci.edmonds.wa.us\]
Sent: Monday, June 19, 2006 12:59 PM
To: Weyesa, Nega
Subject: Plan Check 05564 (20060556) Bui
Please find attached the plan review corrections from the Engineering Division in review of the resubmittal
dated 5/31/06.
<<05564 (20060556) BuiJM Review3.doc>>
Jeanie McConnell
Engineering Technician
4257710220, ext. 1338
FAX 4257710221