06-0845 revision.pdf
Taylor, Kathleen
From:Taylor, Kathleen
Sent:Friday, April 11, 2008 1:34 PM
'Ralph W. Allen'
Subject:FW: Old Mill Town BLD-2006-0845 Revision (Planning Division Correction)
Hi Ralph,
It looks like I'm still missing the reduced site plan.
Kathleen Taylor
Associate Planner
City of Edmonds Planning Division
ph 425.771.0220 x1223
fax 425.771.0221
-----Original Message-----
From:Taylor, Kathleen
Sent:Wednesday, February 13, 2008 11:56 AM
To:'Ralph W. Allen'
Subject:Old Mill Town BLD-2006-0845
Would you please submit a reduced site plan (sheet A1.0.2) for the Old Mill Town Revisions?
Since there's a lot of information on the plan, perhaps a 11"x17" sized sheet would be best. Or reduce the site plan onto
a legal sized sheet of paper and the wording/height calc's etc on a 2nd reduced sheet. Whatever works best and is still
Thank you,
Kathleen Taylor
Associate Planner
City of Edmonds Planning Division
ph 425.771.0220 x1223
fax 425.771.0221