06-0942-1.doc City of Edmonds TH 121 5 AVENUE NORTH • EDMONDS, WA 98020 • (425) 771-0220 FAX(425) 771-0221 Website: www.ci.edmonds.wa.us DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT Planning • Building • Engineering Plan Review Corrections Plan Check : Date: # 2006-0942 September 19, 2006 th Project Name/Address: 8202 190 ST SW Contact Person/Address/Fax: Michael Kerr/P.O. Box 2669 Lynnwood, Wa 98036/Fax: 425-672-4649 / e-mail: mkerr@chateaucd.com /Phone:425-778-5829 Reviewer: Jaime HawkinsDivision:Engineering During review of the subject submittal, it was found that the following information, corrections, or clarifications would need to be addressed: 1.WATER.  The Water Main shown in the site plan does not exist. Please remove. The Water main terminates at about 10-ft east of the existing fire hydrant located in the southeast corner of the intersection of thrd 190 and 83. What does this means? It means you have two options. Option number one is to extend the Water Main eastward and up to the eastern most property line of the proposed lot to be developed. Option number two is to obtain a utility easement from the neighboring lot to the west in order to allow the water service for the proposed single-family residence be installed. Please remove the proposed water service line from the site plan for it is not accurate and it cannot exist unless the Water main is extended. If you are able to obtain the recommended easement then you shall show both lot in the Site plan, for the water meter will be installed th perpendicular to the Water main and at the property line of the neighboring lot along 190 ST SW. NO WATER SERVICE LINE SHALL BE INSTALLED IN THE RIGHT-OF-WAY. 2.STORM.  There is no storm system in front of the proposed lot. The proposed catch basin shown in the site plan shall be connected to the City of Edmonds storm system by installing a new 12-inch storm line in the City of Edmonds Right-of-Way and connecting to the existing catch basin located at about 350-ft east from the eastern most property line of the proposed lot. Please provide all existing and proposed rim and invert elevations for all catch basins. INFILTRATION SHALL NOT BE ALLOWED, FOR THE SOILS IN THIS ARE NOT ADEQUATE. 3.Please show the minimum Temporary Erosion and Sediment Control measures in the site plan. A Filter Fabric Fence shall be installed along the south and east property lines and a Stabilized Construction Entrance shall be installed along the north property line. DATE FAXED PAGE ____ OF ___ 4.Please show in the site plan the sewer lateral from the main, located along the north side of the street, to the property line. Please add the following note: “New 6-inch Sewer lateral per City standards” 5.Please a note to the proposed sewer clean-out shown at the property to read “6-inch clean-out with 12- inch locking lid” 6.Provide an on-site turn around. Make sure to include this impervious surface in the sizing of the storm system calculations. 7.All run-offs shall be collected and detained. Please show in the site plan how you plan to collect and convey the driveway’s run-off into the detention system. Please resubmit 3 copies of the revised plans/documents to a Development Services Coordinator. Please contact me at 425-771-0220 if you have specific questions regarding these plan corrections. DATE FAXED PAGE ____ OF ___