06-095 McCormick CofU.doc City of Edmonds TH 121 5 AVENUE NORTH • EDMONDS, WA 98020 • (425) 771-0220 FAX(425) 771-0221 Website: www.ci.edmonds.wa.us DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT Planning • Building • Engineering Plan Review Corrections Plan Check : Date: # 06-095 April 11, 2006 Project Name/Address: McCormick / 635 Paradise Lane Contact Person/Address/Fax: Warren LaFon / e-mail: warrenlafon@earthlink.net Reviewer: Jeanie McConnellDivision:Engineering During review of the subject submittal it was found that the following information, corrections, or clarifications will need to be addressed: GENERAL: 1.Provide a traffic control plan. 2.Provide a haul route plan. 3.Show the staging area for materials and vehicles. 4.Show construction fencing (chain link fence) be installed around the site perimeter, if any. 5.Site development work shall be shown on the civil site development plan, not just the architectural site plan. Such as, removal and relocation of the power pole, trimming of shrubs, details for construction of extruded curbing and asphalt surfaces. The parking stall striping and layout is also part of the site development work and therefore this information should be provided on the site development plan. If you do not wish to dimension the parking stalls and drive aisles on the civils you can provide additional copies of A-1 to include with the 3 sets of civil drawings. 6.Include copies of Edmonds standard details E2.10-Vertical Curb and E2.12-Asphalt walkway. 7.Please provide a cost estimate for all civil improvement work, including traffic control. Please provide a breakdown of both on-site and off-site (right-of-way) improvements. A performance bond will be required for all improvements within the City right-of-way. ** Please refer to the last section of these corrections, Traffic Issues, for additional information regarding right-of-way improvements. TRASH ENCLOSURE: 1.Provide the inside dimensions of the trash enclosure and show the required concrete pad on the civil site development plan. 2.Please reference the detail provided on the architectural plans as well. 3.The gate swing for the enclosure shall not encroach into the parking stall. 4.Additional comments from Steve Fisher, Recycling Coordinator, may follow. DATE E-MAILED 4/11/06 3 PAGES + attachment GRADING & TESC: 1.Grading calculations are to include grading for the foundation as well as the site. Please provide a bottom of footing elevation for the new building. 2.Reference and include Edmonds standard details: E1.1 – Silt fence o E1.2 – Construction Entrance o E1.3 – Catch Basin Protection o WATER & SEWER: 1.This property falls within the jurisdiction of Olympic View Water & Sewer District (OVWSD) for both water and sewer utilities. Please provide a copy of your plans to OVWSD for review and approval. A copy of the plans with their signature of approval shall be returned to the City prior to permit issuance. 2.Show the location of the sanitary side sewer from the property line to the building. Will any alterations/repairs be made the sanitary sewer with this permit? Typically a single family residence would be served by a 4” line and the commercial use would require a 6” line. 3.A 6” cleanout is required on the sanitary sewer at the property line with a 12” CI lamphole cover, per OVWSD requirements. 4.You will be required to verify with OVWSD that use of the exising lateral is permitted. 5.Show the location of the water service line from the meter to the building. 6.Will an irrigation system be installed on the property? If so, show the location of the landscape irrigation meter and backflow preventor. STORM: 1.Indicate proposed pipe material, sizing and slope for all runs of storm pipe. 2.The new storm line proposed from CB#3 to the existing CB in Paradise Lane is to be a minimum of 12” in diameter. If 2’ of cover cannot be maintained then ductile iron pipe will be required. 3.CB#3 – provide invert elevations for pipe in all directions. 4.The footing drains and roof drains shall be run separately to CB#1. Clearly show this on the drawing. TRAFFIC ISSUES: 1.The traffic impact analysis states 1380 sf of new office space while the Architectural Site Plan A-1 states 1850 sf of new office space. Please revise accordingly. 2.The traffic impact analysis also states that hedges/trees will be removed to meet the required sight distance for the project site. Clearly show on the plan the hedges/trees that will be removed. If they are located on private property then you will need to obtain approval from the property owner prior to removal. 3.A right-only turning movement would be required when exiting the site onto Paradise Lane. Signage and striping would be required to reflect this. Likewise, traffic would only be allowed to enter the site from the one-way section of Paradise Lane and DO NOT ENTER signage would be required to prevent vehicles from heading SE down the one-way street. With that being said, there are some other issues related to the intersection of Paradise Lane and SR104 that we would like to discuss with you. Please contact me so a meeting can be scheduled with the Don Sims, Traffic Engineer, and myself to discuss the layout of this intersection before you respond to these plan corrections. DATE E-MAILED 4/11/06 3 PAGES + attachment There is some accident history at the intersection of Paradise Lane and SR104 and the current configuration is not pedestrian friendly. The portion of Paradise Lane in which your site takes access is designated as one-way which also does not provide for convenient access to and from your site. With that, there are currently sight distance issues and in visiting the site it would appear as though some of the trees that would have to be removed may actually be on the neighbors property. The City’s Engineering Division is currently working with the Parks Department on a possible re-configuration of this intersection and added landscape area. I have included for you a sketch of what this might look like. With your current submittal, you will be required to remove and replace the sidewalk adjacent to your property due to it’s existing condition and the removal of existing obstructions such as the stump, yield sign relocation, and pole relocation. If the intersection were to be reconfigured, we would have you remove the sidewalk and curbing along your frontage and construct new sidewalk, curb and gutter along SR104. We would also like to see your driveway access located further towards the northwest, which would eliminate the need to relocate the power pole. Along with this, the requirement for one-way traffic movements and the signage and striping for such would not be required. The City would in large part be responsible for the funding and design of the reconfiguration of this intersection, but there would still be some responsibility on your part due to the development of this site. Reconfiguring this intersection and creating additional landscape area is thought to be a benefit to both your development as well as to the City. I look forward to meeting with you to further discuss this. Please resubmit 3 copies of the revised plans/documents to a Development Services Coordinator. Please contact me at 425-771-0220 or by e-mail at mcconnell@ci.edmonds.wa.us if you have specific questions regarding these plan corrections. DATE E-MAILED 4/11/06 3 PAGES + attachment