06-0953 Revision Comments - 3rd Review.pdf` CITY OF EDMONDS • 1215"' AVENUE NORTH • EDMONDS, WA 98020
PHONE: 425.771.0220 • FAX: 425.77L0221 • WEB: www.ci.edmonds.wa.us
August 29, 2007
Mr. Larry Deisher
Email: LPNW@verizon.net
Dear Mr. Deisher:
I have reviewed your resubmittal dated August 20, 2007 for your revision to the above building
permit application for the Planning Division and it was found that the following information,
corrections, or clarifications will need to be addressed before review can continue:
Height Calculations: As I stated in my corrections letter dated August 15, 2007, a
surveyor must either show that the height calculations shown on the approved building
permit were incorrect or that based on the datum point, the height of the garage is under the
maximum allowed height on the approved building permit. In your response, you stated
that the contours shown on the original permit submittal were incorrect and that the only
certification your surveyor can provide is based on grade following construction. However,
the height calculations for your garage must be based on original grade, and a surveyor
must show that the original grade was different than what was shown on the original permit
submittal. Therefore, please have a surveyor provide a statement explaining how the
original height calculations were incorrect and showing what the correct original grade was
and what the correct height calculations should be. This statement must be signed and
stamped by a surveyor licensed in the state of Washington.
2. Rockeries: As I stated in my corrections letter dated August 15, 2007, rockeries are not
permitted to exceed 3 feet over original grade where they are located within the setbacks.
You stated in your response that all rockeries are less than 3 feet over original grade;
however, this must be shown on your site plan. Please redline your plans to show that all
rockeries are less than 36 inches over original grade.
3. Fences: Please respond to the following comments regarding the proposed fences:
a. You stated in your resubmittal that Fence A is a "privacy screen". However, per
ECDC 21.30.020,"Fence means any construction of wood, metal, masonry or
other nonliving material which provides a visual and/or physical obstruction to
an observer at ground level... Any portion of a base or foundation for the fence
which does not serve a necessary and bona fide purpose of retaining earth shall
not be considered a retaining wall but rather a part of the fence." Based on this
definition, Fence A as labeled on your site plan meets the definition of a fence.
As I stated in my corrections letter dated August 15, 2007, per ECDC
17.30.000.C, "Unless a variance is first obtained, no fence shall be more than six
feet in height as measured from the top of the fence to the lowest original grade."
The only potential option for the fence to be more than 6 feet in height would be
to construct a trellis (meeting the definition in ECDC 17.30.035.A.4) on top of
the 6 foot high fence. Per ECDC 17.30,035.C.1, "A trellis up to two additional
feet in height to a maximum of eight feet may be added as a decorative element
to a fence so long as the combined length of the trellis(es) constructed facing a
property line do not exceed 25 percent of the total length of that property line."
In order to meet the above definitions and regulations, the height of the Fence A
must be reduced to 6 feet, but you may propose a trellis up to two additional feet
on top of Fence A.
b. You stated in your resubmittal that Fence Bis less than 6 feet over original
grade; however, this must be shown on your site pian. Your site plan still states
that Fence B is no greater than 5.5 feet above finished grade. Please update your
site plan to reflect the correct height of Fence B above original grade.
Please redline plans or submit three copies of your revised site plan with a written response to
each of the above items. Please make all submittals to a Development Services Permit
Coordinator Monday through Friday, 9:00 am to noon or 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm. 1f you have any
questions, feel free to contact me at Machuga@ci.edmonds.wa.us.
Development Services Department - Planning Division
Jen Machuga, Planner