06-1079-1.doc City of Edmonds TH 121 5 AVENUE NORTH • EDMONDS, WA 98020 • (425) 771-0220 FAX(425) 771-0221 Website: www.ci.edmonds.wa.us DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT Planning • Building • Engineering Plan Review Corrections Plan Check : Date: # 2006-1079 October 6, 2006 th Project Name/Address: Phan/23422 76 Ave W Contact Person/Address/Fax: Hquyen Phan/e-mail: hquyen817@yahoo.com Reviewer: Jaime HawkinsDivision:Engineering During review of the subject submittal, it was found that the following information, corrections, or clarifications would need to be addressed: 1.EROSION.  Please provide/show in the site plan the minimum Temporary Erosion and Sediment Control requirements. Please refer to Edmonds standard details E1.1, E1.2, and E1.3 You may obtain this www.ci.edmonds.wa.us by accessing the City of Edmonds website at (City Government/Development Services, and scroll down to handouts) 2.UTILITIES.  Please show all the utilities serving this residence, (water, sewer, power, gas, cable, etc) from the property line to the house. 3.STORM/DRAINAGE.  What are the existing downspouts connected to? Are the downspouts going to splash blocks? Are the downspout connected to a storm drainage system? If any of the above apply please add a note stating “Downspout to be connected to existing system”, or “Downspout to splash blocks” 4.Provide bottom of footing elevations and grading calculations. 5.You are proposing a new garage. How do you plan to access this new garage? What is happening to the existing carport and driveway? Is the existing access being removed and a new one added? Please show your intent. If a new access is being requested then you shall provide a turnaround for the new driveway, and the driveway cut and apron are to be installed to City of Edmonds standard detail E2.8, E2.13, and E2.26 Please resubmit 3 copies of the revised plans/documents to a Development Services Coordinator. Please contact me at 425-771-0220 if you have specific questions regarding these plan corrections. DATE FAXED PAGE ____ OF ___