06-1311 Plan Review Comments.pdfCITY OF EDMONDS • 1215' AVENUE NORTH - EDMONDS, WA 98020
PHONE: 425.771.0220 • FAX: 425.771.0221 • WEB: www.ei.edmonds.wa.us
January 17, 2007
Ms. Alisa Na
Email: alisa—na—cpa@hotmail.com
Dear Ms. Na:
I have reviewed the above building permit application for the Planning Division and it was
found that the following information, corrections, or clarifications will need to be
addressed before review can continue:
1. Conditional Use Permit: As I discussed with you during our telephone
conversation on January 10, 2007, the conditional use permit approval that you
recently received under File No. CU -2006-3 authorized the establishment of a CPA
office in the lower floor of the existing building, without any changes to the existing
apartment in the upper floor of the building. I understand that your plans have
changed since the time of your conditional use permit approval, and that now you
would like to convert both floors of the existing building into a CPA office.
Unfortunately, this would require applying for an entirely new conditional use permit
in order to allow both floors of the building to be converted into a CPA office. Your
current options are to change your building permit application to convert only the
lower floor into a CPA office or to apply for a new conditional use permit to convert
the entire building into a CPA office. We can discus these options further during our
meeting tomorrow. Following our meeting, please submit a written response as to
how you would like to proceed and whether you would like to apply for a new
conditional use permit.
2. Parking: Please note that if you choose to apply for a new conditional use permit in
order to convert both floors into a CPA office, you will need to show that there are at
least 13 parking spaces on the entire site. This can include the 8 spaces contained
within the garages of the two duplex buildings.
3. Site Plan: Please make the following corrections to your site plan:
a. Provide a reduced copy (8.5" by 11" or 8.5" by 14") of your site plan.
b. Show all proposed exterior work as well as all existing accessory structures
on the site plan. This must include the proposed trellises, the new roofline,
the existing deck and stairway, the trash enclosure, etc.
c. Provide setback distances from all accessory structures (including the
trellises) to the property lines.
4. Trellises: Provide the dimensions and heights of the proposed trellises. Please note
that the proposed trellises must meet the minimum required setbacks for the RM -1.5
zone. If the trellises will not meet setbacks as proposed, it may be possible to design
them so that they function as eaves on the building. However, eaves may only
extend into the minimum required setbacks by 30 inches.
5. Landscaping: Do you plan on making any changes to the existing landscaping? If
so, please describe your plans.
Please redline plans or submit three sets of revised plans/documents (affected sheets only)
with a written response to each of the above items. Please make all submittals to the
Development Services Permit Coordinator Monday through Friday, 9:00 am to noon or
1:00 pm to 4:00 pm. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me at
Machuga@ci.edmonds.wa.us. I look forward to working with you on this project.
Development Services Department - Planning Division
Jen Machuga