121 5 Avenue North • Edmonds, WA 98020
Phone: 425.771.0220 • Fax: 425.771.0221 • Web: www.ci.edmonds.wa.us
Plan Review Comments – Planning Division
BLD-2006-0619 (previously 06-148)
Plan Check #:
Project Name:
509 6 Avenue South – RS-6 Zone
Project Address:
October 16, 2006
John Carter Woollen
Woollen Studio, Inc.
5339 Ballard Avenue NW
Seattle WA 98107
Phone: 206.399.8577 / Fax: 206.784.9809
Dear Mr. Woollen,
I have reviewed the above building permit application for the Planning Division and it was found that the following
information, corrections, or clarifications will need to be addressed before review can continue:
Height Calculations:
1. I just need some quick clarification regarding the height calculations… The site plan
shows contours for “previous” “proposed” and “existing.” The height calculations shown on the site plan are
based off of the “existing” grade. However, there was grading on this lot which makes me think that you may
have meant to use the “previous” grade? Anyways, height is taken from the average ORIGINAL grade. If the
height calculations were indeed taken from the original grade, please redline the site plan and label the contours
and the height calculations “original” grade. If height was taken from the existing (changed) grade, please
recalculate and update the site plan and the elevations and make sure the proposal still remains under the 25-
foot height limit. I think I may just be getting confused by the labels, but I thought it best to check and see that
we’re on the same page here (if this is the case, I apologize for the hold up).
HVAC Concrete Pad:
2. This concrete pad is able to project into the setback area a maximum of 1/3 of the
setback (1/3 of 5 feet allows a maximum 1.66’ projection, pursuant to ECDC 16.20.040.C). Please redline site
plan and show that this is at least 3.34’ from the west property line.
Recorded Short Plat Map:
3. I did an online search and found that you recorded the short plat under AFN
200608235004. When you receive your copy of the recorded short plat map, please submit two official large
copies with all applicable signatures and the recording number written on it so we can consider file number S-
2005-45 “complete.”
Thank you for your response – I will be able to sign off after we receive the two large recorded maps.
Thank you for your cooperation. Please redline plans or submit two sets of revised plans/documents (affected sheets
only) with a written response to each of the above items. Please make all submittals to the Development Services
Permit Coordinator (Theresa Umbaugh). If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at
(425) 771-0220, extension 1778. I look forward to working with you on this project.
Gina Coccia, Planner