06-173 michel-9unit condo rev.doc City of Edmonds TH 121 5 AVENUE NORTH • EDMONDS, WA 98020 • (425) 771-0220 FAX(425) 771-0221 Website: www.ci.edmonds.wa.us DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT Planning • Building • Engineering Plan Review Comments Plan Check : Date: # 06-173 6 Jun 06 thth Project Name/Address: Michel 9 Unit Condos; 80 Pl and 212 St SW Contact Person/Address/Fax: fax : Rob Michel : Reviewer: Division:Engineering Lyle Chrisman, Engineering Program Manager The subject application has been reviewed but cannot be completed until the following items have been addressed/corrected. Please resubmit 3 sets of revised drawings to a Development Services Permit Coordinator. General 1. Provide a traffic control drawing for all the work that will be in the City right-of-way. Storm Drainage Report 2. See attached comments. Sheet 1 3. This sheet should only show new construction. Turn off layer that shows existing site on everything that is being demolished/removed. This is already shown on sheet 1. th 4. Add a note to the drawing there shall be no parking or staging of material on 212 St SW. 5. Is all existing curbing being removed from the site? If so please indicate on the drawings. 6. Is all the existing paving in front of the townhomes being replaced? 7. Provide finished pavement grade elevations along the paralle parking area s. of building 8, along the existing townhomes and key spots along the outer limits of the access road. 8. Based on the proposed slab elevations between corners of bldg 7 and 8, there is a grade of 12%. What is the elevation of the driveway slab at the nw corner? 9. Is the tree near the s.e. corner of bldg 7 being removed. Label all trees that will be removed. 10. Add erosion fence along the north side of the site. 11. A finished floor elevation is shown in the area of the existing pwr transformer. Is this just a misplaced elevation? 12. Provide inlet protection the yard drain in front of bldg 8 if it is to remain. __________________(Attach fax transmittal) DATE FAXED PAGE ____ OF ___ C:\\Users\\cockrum\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\06-173 michel-9unit condo rev.doc_155728\\06-173 michel-9unit condo rev.doc 13. Provide inlet protection for all catch basins. 14. Show the existing infiltration systems. Keep the construction limits outside the existing systems if they are to remain in use. 15. Construction sequence note #1: Change City Engineer to City Inspector. 16. Add an additional note to the construction sequence about phasing construction of the new entrance and demolition of the old. How will current residents gain access during construction? 17. The existing water meter to the front house was omitted from the drawing. 18. Contour elevation 449 appears to be missing. Elevation is shown on landscape plan. 19. Do the elevations indicate finish pavement grades? Indicate what the grades represent in the legend. Sheet 2 20. ADA ramp detail: Add a note that curb and ramp form work shall be inspected prior to any concrete pour. 21. Where is the proposed power pedestal located? 22. Is the existing pedestal being relocated? Both pwr and tv/telephone are in the paved travel way. 23. Dimension parking stall on the east side of the existing townhouse and the parallel stalls. The depth of the end parallel stalls must be 18’, and parking cannot encroach into the required vehicular access width. 24. Dimension the width of the paved area between the existing townhouses and bldg 5. 25. Label where new curbing will be installed. 26. Show all existing infiltration systems. 27. Indicate the existing cb at the s.e. corner of bldg 5 is being replaced. 28. Provide invert elevations and directions for all pipe penetrations in all cb’s. 29. Sand collars are required for all pvc penetrations into storm or sewer structures. 30. Provide invert elevations of storm stubs to each lot. 31. If your Geo-Tech recommends footing drains for this project, show the location of the footing drain tightline and connection point to the outflow side of the control structure or location where the footing drains will discharge to. 32. Do not believe the 4” storm line proposed between cb’s is sufficient to handle all roof and pavement drainage. Verify all 4” pipe can convey runoff for the 100 year flow. 33. Add “FIRE LANE” every 50’ along the edges of the paved surface area as required by the Fire Marshall. Height of letters shall be 12”, width 1” and stroke xx”. 34. Roof drain for bldg 7 cannot connect to the existing yard drain in front of bldg 8 nor into the detention/infiltrations system. 35. Label detention system as private. 36. An on-site turn-around is required for bldg 11. 37. Show location of new mailbox cluster and include the sidewalk area behind the mail box. Coordinate location of the mailbox and the water meters to avoid conflicts. 38. Show location of trash/recycle enclosures. __________________(Attach fax transmittal) DATE FAXED PAGE ____ OF ___ C:\\Users\\cockrum\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\06-173 michel-9unit condo rev.doc_155728\\06-173 michel-9unit condo rev.doc 39. Cb #2 must be placed in the curb line and 12” d.i.p. used to connect cb #2 to the existing cb to the west. The private 6”storm pipe shown on the drawings cannot be installed in the City right-of-way in front of someone elses property. 40. Add a not to replace all curb/gutter and sidewalk as required and directed by the City Inspector for the installation of the 12” storm pipe and improvements along the project property frontage. Indicate the old driveway cuts shall be replaced with standard c/g and sidewalk. 41. Due to the size of the project, a high capacity/traffic load gutter will be required. Please show the gutter on the drawing. 42. Specify the invert elevation of the detention pipe on the restrictor manhole detail. A vent pipe is required between the type II and 36” storm pipe. 43. Water quality will be required. 44. Yard basin detail. N-12 pipe used for yard drains can only be used in non paved areas. 45. Show existing sewer lines to bldg 8 and bldg 6. Street file as-builts indicate the sewer line for bldg 6 is located on the east end of the complex. 46. Indicate where the existing downspouts for bldg 6 connect to. The drainage drawings for the 6 unit indicate a cb in the asphalt drive isle near the east end of the bldg. Was this ever installed? 47. Specify the curve radii. 48. Indicate access road stationing. Sheet 3 49. Show the water services to each unit from the meters. Clearance requirements from the sewer lateral need to be maintained. 50. Provide 12” vertical clearance between the sewer lateral and storm pipe.Add a cleanout for bldg 7 at the y. 51. Move the ssmh #1 to the property line. th 52. Provide a channelization detail for the sewer manhole in 212 St SW 53. Provide invert elevations at the end of the sewer stubs. 54. Label the sewer main as “private” within the property. th 55. Show any fiber optic lines on 212 St SW. 56. An existing meter for the front bldg is not shown. Will this be used for irrigation or for service to bldg 10 or will there be individual irrigation systems? If there is one meter for site irrigation, a backflow device needs to be shown on the drawing. Rob, I would like to set up a meeting with you and Public Works to go over an alternative to multiple street 57. cuts for the water services I came up with. I will send you an e-mail with time and date. Basically we are thst looking at having this years watermain contractor install a loop 8” line from 80 PL to 81 Ave with the 8” th line under the sidewalk on the south side of 212. 58. Does the existing townhomes have a fire line? If so, show it on the drawing. __________________(Attach fax transmittal) DATE FAXED PAGE ____ OF ___ C:\\Users\\cockrum\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\06-173 michel-9unit condo rev.doc_155728\\06-173 michel-9unit condo rev.doc Landscape Plan 59. 3’ wide concrete strip along the parallel parking stalls does not match the location on sheet 2 of the civils. Please clarify. 60. What do the multiple rectangular boxes in the City sidewalk represent? 61. Show the on-site turn around for unit 11. 62. Bldg 8: tandem parking not permissible. 63. If other utilities are going to be shown on this plan, they need to match those on the civil drawings (ie: the sewer main is shown on the east end of bldg 6, which matches up with the as-built sewer drawing, but the civil drawing shows connection on bldg center. Traffic Control plan th 64. Show pavement all pavement striping on 212 St. 65. Show curb line on north side of street. thst 66. Show the intersections of 80 PL and 81 Ave. 67. Add cones indicating eastbound traffic will be diverted into the two way left turn lane. Cones need to extend at stth least 100’ west of 81 Ave and 100’ east of 80 PL. 68. Turn off the utility layers to avoid confusion with the pavement striping or filter the line weight. 69. Add additional signage and required distances indicating the lane shift eastbound. th 70. Need a separate traffic control plan for the installation of the sewer main across 212 St. Due to the nature of the street, suggest the plan show road closure and detour route and signage. th 71. FYI: The pavement depth on 212 St is approximately 12” deep. Pavement patch must match existing thickness with 3” maximum lifts. 72. Traffic cones need to be reflective and 36” high. Tube cones can also be used. __________________(Attach fax transmittal) DATE FAXED PAGE ____ OF ___ C:\\Users\\cockrum\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\06-173 michel-9unit condo rev.doc_155728\\06-173 michel-9unit condo rev.doc