07-0075 Plan Review Comments.pdf�x CITY OF EDMONDS • 1215' AVENUE NORTH • EDMONDS, WA 98020
PHONE: 425.771.0220 • FAX: 425.771.0221 • WEB: www.ci.edmonds.wa.us
February 7, 2007
Allen Stroh
Email: h.stroh@verizon.net
Dear Mr. Stroh:
I have reviewed the above building permit application for the Planning Division and it
was found that the following information, corrections, or clarifications will need to be
addressed before review can continue:
1. Site Plan: Please make the following changes to your site plan:
a. Provide the shortest distance from the proposed addition to the southern
property line to verify that the addition meets the minimum required
b. Provide a north arrow.
c. When comparing the dimensions of the addition shown on the floor plan
with what is shown on the site plan, it appears that the site plan is not
drawn to scale. Please correct the site plan to reflect the proposed
dimensions of the existing residence and the additions. If the error is with
the dimensions shown on the floor plan, please make all necessary
corrections to the floor plan.
d. It appears that a portion of the roof outline was not drawn on the site plan
(or that it was drawn too lightly to show up on all of the copies). Please
check that the entire roof outline is shown.
e. It appears that there is a covered patio on the western side of the storage
portion of the addition. Please show the locations of the supporting posts
and the outline of the roof over the covered portion of the patio and label it
as a covered patio.
2. Heiaht Rectangle: It is difficult to determine the exact locations of the four points
that were used for the height calculations. Also, it appears that Point A is
significantly off from where it should be located. The height rectangle should be
the smallest rectangle that the existing house, garage, and proposed additions can fit
within (excluding up to 30 inches of eaves). See the enclosed height calculation
handout for reference. Please show your height rectangle on the site plan and show
the exact points that were used. Additionally, since some of the elevations of the
four points may change with the use of the correct height rectangle, please update
the height calculations to reflect the correct elevations of each of the four corners.
3. Hehtht Calculations: The elevation shown for Point C under the height
calculations is 101.2; however, the elevation shown next to Point C on the site plan
is 100.2. Please clarify which elevation is correct and make all necessary changes
to either the height calculations or to the site plan to reflect the correct elevation.
4. Lot Coverage: Please provide a breakdown of the lot coverage calculations. For
example, please provide the areas of the existing house, existing garage, proposed
bathroom, proposed breezeway, proposed addition, and proposed covered porch
separately so that staff can verify the total lot coverage calculations.
5. Lot Area: The lot area stated on the plans is 9,147.6 square feet. However, based
on the dimensions of the lot (70 feet by 130 feet), the lot area would be 9,100
square feet. Please clarify this discrepancy. If the lot area is in fact 9,100 square
feet, please correct the lot coverage percentage to be out of 9,100.
Please make all submittals to a Development Services Permit Coordinator, Monday
through Friday, 9:00 am to noon or 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm. If you have any questions, feel
free to contact me at (425) 771-0220, ext. 1224. 1 look forward to working with you on
this project.
Development Services Department - Planning Division
Jen Machuga