07-0675 Plan Review Comments2.pdf CE ITY OF DMONDS PLANREVIEWCOMMENTS PLANNINGDIVISION 425.771.0220 DATE: October 3, 2007 TO: Robert Stasny stasnyarch@aol.com FROM: Kathleen Taylor, Associate Planner RE: PLAN CHECK # 2007-0675 STRICKLAND ADDITION AT 929 CARY RD On behalf of the Planning Division, I have reviewed the revised site plan for the above th building permit application. However, one item in my corrections dated August 14 was not responded to. I realize that the residence will be significantly under the allowable height, but the height calculations must comply with the Edmonds Community Development Code. Please respond to the following item, so that I can complete my review: Height Calculations/Chimney 1.. The proposed chimney along the north side of the house must be included in the height calculations. So please expand the height calculations rectangle (i.e. points A, B, C or D) to include it, and revise the height calculations accordingly. Make revisions as needed on the site plan and the elevation views. (FYI Since there are multiple chimneys, ECDC 21.40.030C4 only allows it to be exempt from the height calculations if it is no greater than 6 square feet in horizontal section.) I would hate for this small item to hold up the issuance of your permit, so please notify me as soon as you’ve submitted the correction. I will do my best to review it as soon as I am able. I will be in the office tomorrow Thursday and then back Wednesday of next week. You do not need to submit new plans. You can redline the plans during our office hours Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Please make all submittals to a Development Services Permit Coordinator. If you submit new copies, include 3 copies of the revised site plan, at least one reduced copy (1” = 20’). If you have any questions, feel free to contact me at 425.771.0220 ext 1223. I work a part-time schedule. If I am not available, please ask to speak with the planner on duty.