07-0699 Plan Review Comments (2).pdfCITY OF EDMONDS • 121 5th AVENUE NORTH • EDMONDS, WA 98020
PHONE: 425.771.0220 • FAX: 425.771.0221 • WEB: www.ci.edmonds.wa.us
August 27, 2007
Joe Molina
Email: jmolina@tgbarchitects.com
Dear Mr. Molina:
I have reviewed the above building permit application for the Planning Division. Before I can
sign off on the permit, however, the following information needs to be clarified:
1. Side Setbacks: As you are aware, the side setbacks in the RS-12 zone are 10’. The site
plan shows a 10’ BSBL. The front and rear elevation drawings seem to indicate that
the outer porch posts do not meet the requirement. While this may be an error
generated during reproduction of the plans, please make absolutely certain that all
structures (except the roof eves and chimneys) meet the 10’ side setback requirement.
2. Walkway: In order for the garage to be considered attached to the main house, the
walkway between the two must have a floor and a roof which is integrated into the
main house and garage.
3. Datum Point: Please indicate what datum point was used to perform the height
calculations on the site plan along with its elevation.
4. Lot Coverage: It is difficult to determine how the structural lot coverage was
calculated. Lot coverage is defined as “the total ground coverage of all buildings or
structures on a site measured from the outside of external walls or supporting members
or from a point 2.5 feet in from the outside edge of a cantilevered roof, whichever
covers the greatest area.” As a result, the lot coverage calculations should include the
total footprint of the proposed house, garage, as well as the covered porch and patio.
Please provide the appropriate proposed lot coverage square footages and the final
calculation as a percentage of the total area of the lot. Maximum coverage is 35%.
5. SEPA Review: Please provide the total quantities of cut and fill. If the total amount of
cut or fill is proposed to exceed 500 cubic yards, SEPA review will be required and an
environmental checklist and the associated fee must be submitted.
6. Garage Interior: Please submit building plans for the garage structure.
7. Accessory Dwelling Unit: If it is the homeowner’s intent to establish the space over
the garage as an accessory dwelling unit at the present time, an application for an ADU
must be submitted to the City along with the associated fee. In lieu of that review, the
City will require a statement be recorded at the County indicating that the homeowner
is aware that an ADU permit would be needed to allow that use in the future.
8. Geotechnical Report: The geotechnical report submitted by Otto Rosenau &
Associate, Inc. appears to address the requirements of ECDC Sections 23.40 and 23.80
(Environmentally Critical Areas – General Provisions and Geologically Hazardous
Areas, respectively) regarding the subject site. The report indicates that the 66-foot
setback from the property line (79 foot setback from the top of the steep slope) is
appropriate for the proposed development. The setbacks listed on the site plan do not
match those mentioned in the geotech report. Please update the site plan to show the
setback recommendations of the geotechnical engineer’s report.
Please submit three copies of your updated site plan (one of which must be 8.5” by 14” inches or
smaller) and two sets of any updated pages of the building plans. Please make all submittals to
Marie Harrison, your Development Services Permit Coordinator, Monday through Friday, 9:00
am to noon or 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm. If you have any questions, please contact me at (425) 771-
0220, ext. 1330.
Mike Clugston
Planner, Development Services Department