07-0833 Comments on Landscaping Inspection.pdf CE ITY OF DMONDS th • 1215 AN•E,WA98020 VENUEORTHDMONDS P: 425.771.0220 • F: 425.771.0221 • W:www.ci.edmonds.wa.us HONEAXEB DSD: P•E•B EVELOPMENT ERVICES EPARTMENTLANNINGNGINEERING UILDING October 6, 2009 Brian and Cindy Isaacson Email: cindyi@isaacsoncpa.com briani@isaacsonlawfirm.com RE:COMMENTS ON LANDSCAPING INSPECTION FOR BLD20070833 AND BLD20070834 ISAACSON / LORIAN WOODS GRADING AND DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS RD 16007 – 73 PLACE WEST AND LORIAN WOODS COMMON AREA Dear Mr. and Mrs. Isaacson: I conducted an inspection yesterday of the landscaping established in association with the above building permit application. The following items will need to be addressed before I can sign off on the inspection for the Planning Division: Smooth Sumac (Rhus giabra): 1.Your as-built planting plan indicates that five smooth sumac (Rhus giabra) were planted; however, I was unable to verify this in the field. Please confirm that the five smooth sumac were planted, and provide photographic evidence of their location on site. : Geotechnical ReportThe plant installation review letter and as-built planting plan submitted 2. by Jennifer Lee on October 1, 2009 indicate that the locations of many of the plants were changed from the approved planting plan. In particular, the plantings are more tightly clustered than shown on the approved planting plan, and the plantings proposed for some areas on the site were relocated leaving certain areas with only hydroseed where trees, shrubs and/or groundcover were originally proposed. Since this change could impact the stability of the slope, please provide a letter from your geotechnical engineer, Terra Associates Inc., addressing the changes to the approved planting plan and providing comment on whether or not the changes will impact the stability of the slope. If your geotechnical engineer requests additional plantings in certain areas, please update your planting plan accordingly. As-Built Planting Plan: 3. Under the number heading for the shrubs listed on your as-built planting plan, several of the shrubs are listed as having a certain number required and another number installed. The number installed for each of these shrubs matches the number listed on the approved planting plan. Therefore, I am not sure what the numbers required are referring to since they are less than the numbers shown on the approved planting plan. Please remove the number required references and keep the numbers installed under this heading to reflect the numbers that were approved with the approved planting plan. Please make all submittals to a Development Services Permit Coordinator, Monday through Friday, between 8:00 am and 4:30 pm. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me at (425) 771-0220, ext. 1224. Sincerely, Development Services Department - Planning Division Jen Machuga Planner