07-1289 Plan Review Comments.pdf CE th ITY OF DMONDS • 1215 AN•E,WA98020 VENUE ORTH DMONDS P: 425.771.0220 • F: 425.771.0221 • W: www.ci.edmonds.wa.us HONEAXEB DSD: P•E•B EVELOPMENT ERVICES EPARTMENTLANNING NGINEERING UILDING January 8, 2008 Henrik Molholt henrik@molholt.com RE: PLAN REVIEW COMMENTS FOR PLAN CHECK # 2007-1289 TH ADDITION AT 23327 96 AVENUE WEST Dear Mr. Molholt: I have reviewed the above building permit application for the Planning Division. Before I can sign off on the permit, however, the following information needs to be clarified: Height Calculations. 1. It appears that points “C” and “D” for the height rectangle are not square with the other points in the rectangle. Please move point “C” to the east approximately 12 feet and point “D” west approximately 2 feet so that the height rectangle is the smallest rectangle that can surround the existing structure and proposed addition. If the elevation of points “C” and “D” change, it will change the average elevation which is used to calculate height. Please make any corrections necessary to the height calculations on both the site plan and the elevation views. Lot Size. 2. The lot size listed on the larger site plan indicates the lot is 134,006 square feet. The lot area shown within the site plan drawing itself indicates an area of 14,005.8 square feet. The Assessor’s Office says the lot is approximately 10,890 square feet. Please indicate the correct lot size on the plans. Datum Point 3.. Please indicate on the site plan the datum point used for the height calculations. The datum point must be a permanent point of reference such as the top of a manhole cover or street monument. The base elevation can either be 100’ or the listed elevation on the marker but the height calculations for the building/addition must be derived from the base elevation. Proposed Deck. 4. As requested in the comments from the Engineering Division dated 1/2/08, please better describe the proposed deck area – its height from grade, whether it’s covered, etc. You may either redline your existing plans or submit three new copies (one of which must by 8” x 14” or smaller). Please make all submittals to Marie Harrison, your Development Services Permit Coordinator, Monday - Friday, 8:00 am to 4:30 pm, except Wednesdays when the office is closed. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me at 425-771-0220. Sincerely, Mike Clugston Planner