08-0020 Plan Review Comments REVISED.pdf=% CITY OF EDMONDS • 1215' AVENUE NORTH • EDMONDS, WA 98020
_ PHONE: 425.771.0220 •FAX: 425.771.0221 • WEB: www.ci.edmonds.wa.us
April 23, 2008
Ms. Jan Conner
Email: nwcinns@hotmail.com
Dear Ms. Conner:
Please note that the Planning Division's comments on the above building permit
application sent on January 29, 2008 contained an error in Item #4. Therefore, please
refer to these revised comments from the Planning Division.
The following information, corrections, or clarifications will need to be addressed before
review can continue (Items #1, 2, and 3 are the same as in the correction letter sent on
January 29, 2008, while Item 44 has been updated):
Replacement of Existing Pole Si n: According to Edmonds Community
Development Code (ECDC) 20.60.020, pole signs are not allowed for properties
located Downtown. Therefore, the existing pole sign is considered to be a
nonconforming sign pursuant to ECDC 17.40.040. Based on this section of the
code, the cabinet may be replaced to reflect a change in the name of the business,
but only if the sign is not expanded or extended in any way. The dimensions of the
existing cabinet for the pole sign are provided on two previous permits (BLD -1992-
0184 and SLD -1995.0018) as being 15'0" by 30" (see attached); however, the
proposed dimensions are shown in your application as being 12'33/4" by 4'01/2".
Please modify your plans so that the proposed cabinet replacement does not exceed
the existing dimensions of 15'0" by 30".
2. Internal Illumination: Pursuant to ECDC 20.60.020.M.2, "Internally illuminated
signs in the downtown area ... may only light the letters. The background of a sign
face may not be illuminated." It was noted that the proposed signs are internally
illuminated. Please provide evidence that the proposed illumination will only light
the letters and will not light the background of the sign faces. Additionally, ECDC
20.60.020.M.5 states "Internally illuminated signs in the downtown area shall not
be permitted to be higher than 14 feet in height." Therefore, please provide the
heights of all proposed signs to ensure that they will be less than 14 feet in height.
Maximum Size: Pursuant to ECDC 20.60.030.A, the maximum size of the
proposed wall signs is 1 square foot per lineal foot of attached wall. Therefore,
please provide the length of the three walls where the proposed wall signs are to be
located. Additionally, please provide the square footage of any existing signs on
each of the three walls so that staff can ensure that the proposed signs do not exceed.
the maximum allowed size for each wall.
4. Total Allowable Sign Area (REVISED): The Harbor Square property was
rezoned to the CG zone in 1979 under a contract rezone (File No. R-4-1979). A
condition of this contract rezone was that all signs shall be subject to the
requirements for signs located in the BC or IP zone (see attached). The IP zone no
longer exists; therefore, the current sign application is subject to the requirements
for the BC zone. Pursuant to ECDC 20.60.025.A.1, "The maximum total
permanent sign area for allowed or permitted uses in the BN, BC, BD and CW
zones shall be one square foot of sign area for each lineal foot of wall containing
the main public entrance to the primary building or structure located upon a
separate legal lot." Therefore, please provide the length of the side of the building
containing the primary public entrance so that staff may calculate the total
allowable sign area for the site. Additionally, please provide the area of all existing
signs that are to be retained.
Please make all submittals to a Development Services Permit Coordinator, Monday
through friday, excluding Wednesdays, between 8:00 am and 4:30 pm. if you have any
questions, feel free to contact me at (425) 771-0220, ext. 1224. 1 look forward to
working with you on this project.
Development Services Department - Planning Division
Jen Machuga
4) All signs and advertising devices shall be subject to
the requirements for signs located in a BC or IP zone
pursuant to Title 20, SIGN CODE, of thn Edmonds Land Use
Guidelines as now exists or may be hereafter amended or
recodified; -
5) Outdoor storage and/or assembly areas shall be screened
from Dayton Street and State Route 104 by a site obscuring
fence or buffer pursuant to Section 12.14.050(1) of the
Edmonds Land Use Guidelines as now exists or may be
hereafter amended or recodified;
6) All structures, fences and other architectural features
shall be compatibly designed to give the overall development
of the subject property unity and continuity;
7) The maximum building height shall he thirty five (35)
feet, ant co building shall exceed two stories in height;
8) All buildings and structures shall be subject to
Architectural Design Board (ADB) approval.
C To limit the land uses established on the subject property
to those uses permitted by Section 12.13.270 of the Edmonds Land
Use Guidelines as now exists or may be hereafter amended or
recodified, and subject to the following:
1) The following uses shall be prohibited:
Automotive wrecking;
Automotive sales;
Car washes;
Drive-in Restaurants;
Fuel storage yards;
Mobile home parks;
Residences, except for
Service Stations.
a caretaker and/or guard;
2) The following uses permitted in the CG zone shall be
limited as follows:
A) Small boat building, repair, and preparation shall
be limited to boats not exceeding sixty five (65) feet
in length;
B) Fabrication and sale of metal, wood, plastic,
,cloth, and similar products of light industry shall
specifically exclude the fabrication of major
structural steel forms, boiler making, and similar
activities involving excessive noise, or major trucking
in terms of over -standard dimensions per unit or
over -standard weight of load, except for small boats.
8005060198 3 VOL J668 PACE. 2452