08-0252 Plan Review Comments.pdf CE th ITY OF DMONDS • 1215 AN•E,WA98020 VENUE ORTH DMONDS P: 425.771.0220 • F: 425.771.0221 • W: www.ci.edmonds.wa.us HONEAXEB DSD: P•E•B EVELOPMENT ERVICES EPARTMENTLANNING NGINEERING UILDING April 3, 2008 Joesph M. Mucci, AIA joseph@mucci-trucksess.com RE: PLAN REVIEW COMMENTS FOR PLAN CHECK # 2008-0252 ADDITIONS AND ALTERATIONS AT 20024 MAPLEWOOD LANE Dear Mr. Mucci: I have reviewed the above building permit application for the Planning Division. Before I can sign off on the permit, however, the following information needs to be clarified: Height Calculations: 1. Please split the height rectangle into two – one enclosing the house, deck, porches and breezeway and the other enclosing the garage. The garage is considered an accessory structure to the primary residential structure so its height must be calculated separately. See the enclosed drawing for a rough idea of my request. Note that Point A was moved approximately 3’ to the west to enclose the landing and stairs off of the deck. Please make any changes necessary to the resulting height calculations, as applicable. Accessory Structure: 2. According to ECDC 16.20.050.B, the height of accessory buildings is limited to 15’ above average original grade. It appears that the garage may exceed that limit. If that is the case, please revise the plans for the garage accordingly to ensure it is no greater than 15’ in height. Arbor Posts: 3. On the site plan, it appears that two posts supporting the southern extent of the arbor will be located in the south side setback (see attached plan). From the elevation drawings, it does not appear that these posts will exist. Please confirm and remove any arbor structure from the setback area, if necessary. You may redline your existing plans or submit three copies of your updated site plan (one reduced size) and two sets of any updated pages of the building plans.Please make all submittals to a Development Services Permit Coordinator, Monday through Friday, 8:00 am to 4:30 pm, except on Wednesdays when we are closed for permit review. If you have any questions, please contact me at (425) 771-0220. Sincerely, Mike Clugston, AICP Planner