08-0509 Plan Review Comments2.pdf
DATE: July 23, 2008
TO: George Ostrow
FROM: Kathleen Taylor, Associate Planner
RE: PLAN CHECK # 2008-0509 (COMMENTS #2)
On behalf of the Planning Division, I have reviewed revisions for the above building
permit application. Please respond to the following, so that I can complete my review:
1.Site Plan. Redline the site plan to show the location of the tower and its pad.
2.Height of Pad. There are two ways that we can measure the height of the tower.
(a) The height from the bottom of the concrete pad, i.e. measure from the finished
grade and go up 15 feet; or (b) draw the smallest box possible around the tower,
provide the elevation of the four corners of the box; average the four corners, and
go up 15 feet from the average. If choosing option 1, redline the elevation view.
If choosing option 2, redline the site plan to show the four corners with elevations
of each, and show the height calculations on the site plan. I suggest going with
option (a), which should be easier.
3.Educational Components. Thank you for providing the sample signage. At the
Architectural Design Board meeting, it was stated that there will be no actual
signage on the tower, because PCC wants to discourage people from walking
around it, especially since it will be near the load/unload area. At the meeting it
was mentioned that the signage will actually be located in one of the parking lot
landscaping beds, with an arrow pointing towards the tower. Please clarify.
4.Color of the Tower. Please provide a color sample for the tower. Preferably it
will be painted to match the building, perhaps one of the olive green shades
chosen for the building’s exterior.
You may red-line the existing plans or submit new copies. Make all submittals to a
Development Services Permit Coordinator, Monday, Tuesday, Thursday or Friday, 8:00
am to 4:30 pm. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me at 425.771.0220. If I
am not available, please ask for Gina Coccia, 425.771.0220 ext.1778.
Thank you.