08-0878 Plan Review Comments1.pdf
DATE: November 6, 2008
TO: Olympic Mechanical Inc.
FROM: Kathleen Taylor, Associate Planner
RE: PLAN CHECK # 2008-0878
On behalf of the Planning Division, I have reviewed the above building permit
application. As a planner reviewing the application, I only need to verify if any
equipment will be located on the exterior of the building, whether it be the rooftop of
side(s) of a building. Please respond to the following, so that I can complete my review:
1.Rooftop Mechanical Equipment. The application mentions installation of
equipment within the attic. I assume that means that there will not be any rooftop
equipment. Please verify.
2.Heat Pump on Deck. It is unclear from the plans as to whether the heat pump will
be located on the outdoor deck of the residence. Please clarify by labeling the
rooms, deck, etc. on the floor plan. If it will be located on the deck, provide an
elevation view of the building, identifying its location and how it will be
screened. You may be able to obtain a copy the elevation view (of a previously
approved permit), and then you could red-line the plans as needed. Please contact
a permit coordinator if you wish to do so.
You may red-line the existing plans or submit new copies. Make all submittals to a
Development Services Permit Coordinator, Monday, Tuesday, Thursday or Friday, 8:00
am to 4:30 pm. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me at 425.771.0220.
Thank you.