084400.005-0 Stamped_Shop_Dwgs_KPFF-NBBJ-AAN.pdf Page 1of 2 CONTRACTOR SUBMITTAL ISSUE TO NBBJ NBBJ Submittal DATE ISSUEDDec 23, 2014 122-084400-0 Number COMPANYNBBJ 223 Yale Avenue North GC Submittal Seattle, WA 98109 122-084400005-0 Number PHONE / FAX(206) 223-5555 SPEC. PARAGRAPH: PROJECT NUMBER100822.06 SPEC. DESCRIPTION:Glazed Framing Systems PROJECT NAMESMC Edmonds ACC Curtainwall, Storefront, ATTENTION:Barb Gipple SPECIFIC ITEM:Ribbonwall Stamped Calcs and Dwgs CONTRACTOR ISSUED Dec 23, 2014 ON: DATE REQUESTED Jan 13, 2015 BACK: DATE RECEIVED @ Dec 23, 2014 NBBJ: DATE DUE BACK TO Jan 13, 2015 CONTRACTOR: DATE RETURNED BY 01/12/15 NBBJ: COPIES ITEMS TRANSMITTED SENT VIA REVIEW ACTIONApproved as noted REVIEW NOTE GC REMARKS NBBJ COMPOSITE RESPONSE Entered By: Andris Lapins Entered Date: Monday, January 12, 2015 2:17 PM Stamped calculations retained for record and stamped shop drawings approved as noted per KPFF review. Stamped calculations retained for record and stamped shop drawings approved as noted per KPFF review. Entered By: Sage Shingle Entered Date: Monday, December 29, 2014 4:43 PM Refer to attached PDF for KPFF review comments. Design criteria as noted on sheet 0.01 was reviewed, calculations are Refer to attached PDF for KPFF review comments. Design criteria as noted on sheet 0.01 was reviewed, calculations are provided for reference only and not returned by KPFF. CONSULTANTS REPRESENTED ISSUED BY Jenna Shope htts://secure1.nbb.com/CATools/Data/SubForm.asx?SubmittalID=128031112201 pjp//5 Page 2of 2 NBBJAndris Lapins PHONE / FAX:(206) 682-7770 NBBJRachel Jenner EMAIL:Jenna.Shope@sellen.com KPFF C ESage Shingle COPY TO: KPFF C ETom Hudgings ELECTRONIC ATTACHMENTS 0122-084400005-0_Stamped_Calculations_KPFF-NBBJ-NAR.pdf 0122-084400005-0_Stamped_Shop_Dwgs_KPFF-NBBJ-AAN.pdf htts://secure1.nbb.com/CATools/Data/SubForm.asx?SubmittalID=128031112201 pjp//5 1|Pag e SUBMITTALFORAPPROVAL Submittal#:122084400.005 Rev#:0 7039.SWEDISH/EDMONDSAMBULATORYCARE Priority:Medium CENTER Date:12/23/2014 To:RACHELJENNERFrom:JENNASHOPE NBBJSELLENCONSTRUCTIONCO.,INC. 223YaleAve227WESTLAKEAVEN Seattle,98109SEATTLE,WA98109 Originator:WASHINGTONGLASSANDGLAZING,INC. Description:Curtainwall,Storefront,RibbonwallStampedCalcsandDwgs WearetransmittingthefollowingSubmittalPackageitem(s)foryourreviewinaccordancewiththe contractspecifications. Pleasereviewandrespondto:JENNASHOPE,by:1/13/2015. AdditionalNotes: ItemNumberSpecSectionDescriptionDetailsNotes StampedCalculationsandShop StampedShop 122001. DrawingsforGlazingSystems forGlazing DrawingsSystems cc: WITH CORRECTIONS NOTED. THIS REVIEW DOES NOT RELIEVE THE SUBCONTRACTOR OR MATERIAL SUPPLIER FROM RESPONSIBILITY FOR ERRORS ORDEVIATIONS FROM DRAWINGS & SPECIFICATIONS.SELLEN CONSTRUCTION CO. By: J. Shope Date: 12/23/14 GENERAL CONTRACTOR REVIEWED Submittal: 122-084400-005 deflections and lateral drifts; coordinate withexterior framing designer to ensure buildingmovements are allowed (1/5.03 appears to allow vertical and horizontal movements) General comment regarding vertical KPFF/sms: comments on detail 1/3.01 See deflection and drift KPFF/sms: applied door header loads. Are 10 gasteel reinforcing channels acceptable? Designer to verify jamb sizes due to KPFF/sms: Designer to verify header design per 3/3.03 KPFF/sms: comments on detail 1/3.01 See deflection and drift KPFF/sms: See review comments KPFF/sms per 2.01B Provide vertical movement allowanceAllowance for 1" downward movementand 1/2" upward movement of channel Suggest using (2) bent plates with at top of storefront system (2" per vertical slotted connection. is acceptable.Designer to verify minimum KPFF/sms: anchor edge distance A/S5.12) KPFF/sms: accommodate seismic interstory drifts per storefront system per building analysis. Design top connection and storefront to It is acceptable to use 1.5" drift at this Specification 084400, Section 1.2.H,indicated as 1.00% per S1.01 Design Loads notes. KPFF/sms: Designer to verify this header memberis continuous from door jamb to door assembly is self-supporting. Are any vertical or lateral loads applied to jamb with intermediate mullions manufacturer to verify if door Coordinate with sliding door connected to top of header. storefront header above? KPFF/sms: KPFF/sms: Provide concrete anchor at curb KPFF/sms: