09.17.10-bld20080287-revision-e-mail.htm MessagePage of ?? From: McConnell, Jeanie Sent: Friday, September 17, 2010 9:31 AM To: 'warrenlafon@earthlink.net' Cc: Umbaugh, Theresa Subject: RE: FW: Jantz revision Warren, The plan the City approved under bld20080287 shows the detention system further north than what is shown on the plans submitted with the current revision. Assuming that the location of the detention pipe is "asbuilt" then one of ? two things occurred. Either the large diameter pipe was reduced in length or the piping to the south of the large diameter pipe was reduced in length. My understanding is that the pipe to the south of the larger pipe is still a part of the detention system and not just conveyance pipe. Clearly indicate what portions of the overall detention system are being revised or have been revised. Indicate pipe size (length & diameter) for the entire detention system so capacity of the entire system can be verified. After receiving this information it will be determined if additional drainage calculations are needed. FYI what I recall from my discussions with Rob Michel at the front counter is that the north SDMH was in conflict with a ? portion of the building/foundation. As a potential fix, the SDMH could be shifted to the south and another section of pipe and another manhole would be installed to account for the reduction in pipe. Please let me know if you have any other questions. Thank you, Jeanie -----Original Message----- From: Warren LaFon \[mailto:warrenlafon@earthlink.net\] Sent: Thursday, September 16, 2010 4:22 PM To: McConnell, Jeanie Subject: Re: FW: Jantz revision JEANIE, THE PLAN INDICATES WHAT YOU AND ROB MICHEL AGREED TO ON SITE. THIS WASRELAYED TO ME FROM ROB. NO PIPE WAS SHORTENED WHICH RESULTED IN MORE CAPACITY IN THE SYSTEM. THANK YOU WARREN LA FON THE PLAN NOW REFLECTS THE SANITARY SEWER ON THE WEST SIDE OF THE PROPERTY NOT ON THE EAST AS THE ORIGINAL PLANS SHOW. On 9/16/20102:25 PM, McConnell, Jeanie wrote: Warren, I still haven't received a response to the attached plan comments. Please submit revised documents as required so Engineering can continue review of the project. Thank you, Jeanie -----Original Message----- From: McConnell, Jeanie Sent: Friday, August 13, 2010 1:27 PM file:///C:/Users/mcadmin/AppData/Local/Temp/09.17.10bld20080287revisionmail.ht...7/13/2017 ????? MessagePage of ?? To: 'warrenlafon@earthlink.net ? Subject: Jantz revision Warren, Please find attached comments from the Engineering division in review of the Jantz building revision. Regards, Jeanie JEANIE McCONNELL | Engineering Program Manager | mcconnell@ci.edmonds.wa.us th Public Works Department ê Engineering Division | 121 5 Ave N | Edmonds, WA98020 City of Edmonds | www.ci.edmonds.wa.us | Tel: 425.771.0220 | Fax: 425.771.0221 Please consider the environment before printing this email ?? file:///C:/Users/mcadmin/AppData/Local/Temp/09.17.10bld20080287revisionmail.ht...7/13/2017 ?????