09-0101 Plan Review Comments 2.pdf- = CITY OF EDMONDS • 1215"' AVENUE NORTH • EDMONDS, WA 98020
PHONE: 425.771.0220 • FAX: 425.771.0221 • WEB: www.ci.edmonds.wa.us
May 6, 2009
Steve Barnes
Cornerstone Architectural Group
Dear Mr. Barnes:
I have again reviewed the above building permit application for the Planning Division. Thank
you for making the corrections as noted below. Additional items must be clarified or corrected
before I can sign off on the permit, however:
1. Datum Point: Indicate the selected datum point and its elevation on the site plan.
2. North Arrow: The north arrow on the site plan appears to be pointing west.
3. Height Calculation: Confirm the locations and elevations for points A and B of the
inscribed height rectangle. The rectangle needs to enclose all structures including the
covered porch off the west side of the house; it appears that points A and B need to be
moved about two feet to the west. Make any changes necessary to the resulting height
calculations, as applicable, to the site plan and elevation drawings.
UNRESOL VED — While points A and B were moved effectively to make the smallest
rectangle around the structure, the elevations have remained the same. Point Ain particular
does not seem to accurately correspond to the lines of topography shown on the site plan.
The point is currently listed at an elevation of .125.5' while the topography would indicate
that Point is approximately 122'. Point B also would appear to beat a lower elevation than
is indicated due to its position nearer the 124' topo line. Accurate height corners are of
particular importance in projects such as this where the structure is proposed to be built to
the maximum height allowed .Please verb the elevations of all the height corners and make
any changes necessary to the site plan and elevation drawings.
4. West Deck: Call out the deck off the western side of the house as new construction on
the site plan. Also, it appears that the deck will encroach the 25' street property line
setback. Per ECDC 16.20.040.C, "Uncovered and unenclosed porches, steps, patios,
and decks may project into a required setback not more than one-third of the required
setback, or four feet, whichever is less; provided, that they are no more than 30 inches
above ground level at any point." From the west elevation drawing (Sheet A3.1), the
deck appears to be about 40 inches above ground level. Please confirm and change as
necessary the site plan, elevations, lot coverage, etc.
UNRESOL VED — Both the west and south decks encroach into their respective property line
setback areas. As mentioned previously, the two decks and steps may project into the
required setback, no more than 4' in this case, provided they are no more than 30" above the
ground at any point and that they are uncovered and unenclosed It is noted on the site plan
that the deck and porch will be less than 30" above adjacent existing grade. In each case,
however, a structure identified as a guardrail is within the setback area. This structure
serves to enclose the deck/steps and therefore cannot be located within the setback area.
Please revise the site plan and building plans to show how the deck/stairs comply with this
5. South Deck: Show the porch and stairs off the south on the west elevation drawing
(Sheet A3.1). As with the west deck discussed in #4 above, the south deck appears to
encroach the setback. Please confirm and change as necessary.
UNRESOLVED — See #4, above.
6. Average Front Setback: ECDC 16.20.040.A describes the site development exception
for the use of average front setbacks:
If a block has residential buildings on more than one-half of the lots on the same
side of the block, the owner of a lot on that block may use the average of all the
setbacks of the existing residential buildings on the same side of the street as the
minimum required front setback for the lot. Detached structures such as garages;
carports; and uncovered porches, decks, steps and patios less than 30 inches in
height, and other uncovered structures less than 30 inches in height shall not be
included in the "average front setback" determination.
An applicant for such a determination shall provide a drawing which locates the
street property line for the entire block as well as the existing street setbacks of
all buildings required to be used for the purpose of calculating the "average front
setback. " The drawing shall be prepared and stamped by a land surveyor
registered in the state of Washington.
If you plan to pursue this exception, please submit a survey as required in the code
referenced above. A fee of $130 will be charged for review of the exception as a
separate staff decision. RESOLVED
You may redline your existing plans or submit three copies of your updated site plan (one
reduced size) and two sets of any updated pages of the building plans. Please make all submittals
to a Development Services Permit Coordinator, Monday through Friday, 8:00 am to 4:30 pm. If
you have any questions, please contact me at (425) 771-0220.
Mike Clugston, AYCP