09-0336 Plan Review Comments #1.pdf
DATE: June 18, 2009
TO: Chermak Construction
FROM: Kernen Lien, Associate Planner
RE: Plan Check BLD-2009-0338
Nicholson Deck at 20331 83 Ave W
On behalf of the Planning Division, I have reviewed the above building permit application. During
review of the subject submittal, it was found that the following information, corrections, or clarifications
need to be addressed. Please respond to the following items, so that I can complete my review:
Geotechnical Report
1.: The critical area reconnaissance report for the subject property
(CRA-2009-0043, attached) identified potential landslide hazard area adjacent to the property. It
appears the deck, which includes new footings, would be within the buffer and/or building setback of
the landslide hazard area. The buffer can be reduced to a minimum of ten feet with an additional 15
foot building setback if a report is prepared that meets the standards listed in ECDC 23.80.050. It
must also be documented that the proposal meets the development standards in ECDC 23.80.060 and
ECDC 23.80.070. Please submit a geotechnical report meeting the above referenced standards.
Please make all submittals to a Development Services Permit Coordinator, Monday through Friday, 8:00
am 4:30 pm. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me at 425.771.0220 ext 1223.