09-0447 Memo Approving Change to Shrub Species.pdf
November 16, 2010
File No. BLD20090447
Steve Koho, Wastewater Treatment Plant Manager
Jen Machuga, Planner
Change in Shrub Species for BLD20090447
Steve Koho, Wastewater Treatment Plant Manager, recently requested to change the
species of shrub to be planted adjacent to the new wall as part of the building permit
(BLD20090447) for improvements to the wastewater treatment plant facility located at
200 2 Ave. S. The approved building permit plans indicate that a row of 4’ high
arborvitae would be planted on the north side of the new wall. However, Mr. Koho
recently proposed to plant viburnum tinus in this location instead of arborvitae in order to
be consistent with the existing row of viburnum tinus along the existing wall section to
the east of the new wall section. Staff determined that it was acceptable to amend the
landscape plan to plant viburnum tinus instead of arborvitae since both are evergreen
shrubs that will over time grow into a tall hedge row. Upon inspection, it was confirmed
that these new shrubs are a minimum of 18 inches in height and were planted at
approximately 24 inches on center, which is consistent with the landscaping size and
spacing requirements of ECDC 20.13.015.
Thank you.
City of Edmonds